Saturday, March 31, 2012
What to do?
Several have encouraged me to put our Brazilian stories in print. It is a costly process and I am not convinced at this point if it would even be cost effective, My brother suggested a company which I have been dealing with and I am impressed with their method of operation. It is also a Christian organization. They have given me until Monday to decide if I want to take advantage of a greatly reduced price on one of their options. So, as we used to say in the Amazon, "It's the decisions that get you"! How true. I also have to make an important decision about ending the " blog. With over 10,000 comments submitted already, I know people like it. The only problem is they like the stories found there, but while on the site, do not shop. That is the reason why I started it. I was hopeful it would create some extra cash to help with medical expenses. That has not happened. Although I enjoy so much writing and posting the stories and finding appropriate pictures to accompany them, I realize I cannot continue. It is actually "laughable" how little cash it has generated. Probably not many will be reading this today, Saturday, but please pray with us about this if you do. We appreciate it. Our son is up for the weekend to work on the Vista house. I preach tomorrow at Grace Baptist Church in Bellingham, Washington. Margie had a good night.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Trip to town
Margie was able to get another schedule for a mammogram so that's what we did in the afternoon. While she was there I did the shopping. That saves a lot of time and I didn't want Margie exerting more energy after feeling badly for several days. It all worked out well. And it was raining "cats and dogs" most the time. At home I continued designing Power Point for the Sunday morning message. Margie and I working together got the laundry washed, dried, folded and today she will iron. Margie keeps as busy as possible to "forget" that horrendous shoulder pain. May 8 cannot get her soon enough for her. And we know you are praying. Thanks to you for this ministry.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
50 MPH
What a wind storm we had last night. It has calmed down a little right now. During the night it was fierce. We are thankful the lights did not go off. Thankfully we have a back up system but it's always nice when we don't have to use it. We are thankful Margie had a good night. She had an appointment today. Yesterday we were not able to visit Joy because she was not feeling well. I hopefully will put the last touches to my message for next Sunday and finish also the Power Point to accompany it. We sincerely thank you for your prayers.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Surgery details
Yesterday Margie received a call from her orthopedic surgeon's office regarding all the appointments she will be expected to attend before and after surgery May 8. We have them all recorded in our date book and we will be glad when those take place. Although Margie did some baking yesterday for our meals, she felt badly and by night time she really was sick. She suffered a headache and stomach distress and it was very discouraging for her. She tries to be brave, but continued illness is debilitating to say the least. One appointment she had scheduled, was cancelled because the authorization (from the insurance) had not arrived and the person responsible for it was not at work yesterday. I continued my message preparation for Sunday April 1 at Grace Baptist in Bellingham, Washington. We are not real certain we will visit our daughter today because of Margie's health. We do praise the Lord she had a good night. Thanks so much for praying
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Never boring
The days are always too full to be boring. Margie kept very busy in the kitchen, making potato salad and preparing lunch. She also made some delicious nectarine-plum sauce for me. I kept busy with my writing and posting narratives on our blog site. I will soon terminate that site because it has been a complete flop money-wise. I have received more than 10,000 comments from around the world about how much people appreciate the things I write. I am sure also that some have been saved through reading them according to remarks I receive. But the original intent was that buyers would be directed to our site via search engine technology and shop Online. They found our site and really enjoyed reading the interesting stories from Brazil, but none are purchasing anything. One has to wonder if the parent company is some how taking advantage of my popular narratives to direct the bloggers to purchase for their credit, not mine. Of course I cannot prove this nor ever will, but at least I can think it. Please pray as we seek a reliable publisher to put my work in print. Also, thank you so much for praying for Margie and her upcoming shoulder surgery. We thank you.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Rain returns
Today we are back to rainy weather. That's okay with us. Saturday the lawn was cut and things look nice. Our son left early this morning for his work in Everett. Yesterday Margie was able to prepare lunch and we enjoyed our time together. The rest of the day, after church, was spent leisurely, reading and watching an inspirational Christian program and listening to the Old Fashion Revival Hour with Charles Fuller. It is always such a blessing.
Today I will send from the Post Office, an item my brother in Singapore requested. I am continuing my writing for a future book about Adventures in Brazil. Margie is my proof reader. Trust your day goes well. Thanks for your prayer ministry for us which is much appreciated.
Today I will send from the Post Office, an item my brother in Singapore requested. I am continuing my writing for a future book about Adventures in Brazil. Margie is my proof reader. Trust your day goes well. Thanks for your prayer ministry for us which is much appreciated.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
It's Sunday
We had a good day yesterday. The first lawn mowing of the season, I often have someone else come do it. My friend Miguel came and got that taken care of and the lawn looks real good. Now I will take over and do it every few days for the rest of the season, Lord willing. We will also have it thatched after I cut it about two more times. I have a man lined up to do it. Margie prepared a nice meal for Rawlie, Nathan and us yesterday. They are here working on the Vista house getting it ready for renting. Today we look forward to attending our church in Ferndale. Next week I have been asked to preach at Grace Baptist in Bellingham, giving a report how the Lord moved in such a wonderful way to bring our daughter to Lynden, WA from Union Grove, WI. I look forward to sharing that story of God's gracious leading. Margie's shoulder pain level is high as we await surgery day May 8. Thanks for remember her in your prayers.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday we have a schedule, like other days. I take Margie to the hair dresser. She can no longer comb her hair because of the extreme pain in the shoulder and arthritis in the other arm. She is determined, however, to keep on ironing as long as she can. For many months I did that when she was so weak. After surgery, of course, I will take on that task again. I wrote more narratives for our blog site yesterday and had a lengthy conversation with Dr. J Don Jennings regarding publishing our proposed book. He has a new book and on our website I have a link to it. Please check it out. Our son arrived last night to work on the Vista house. Spring is here in full swing. The flowering trees are in full bloom and the tulips are showing their happy faces. It is beautiful. Your intercession for us are much appreciated.
Friday, March 23, 2012
No dull moments
There is never a dull moment. Thursday clothes washing, vacuuming the house and prayer meeting were the main things of the day. Margie kept busy and prepared lunch. She also wrote some e-mails. She is getting back into that routine. It really helps me also by her writing these notes. I published another Brazilian narrative story on our blog site. Regarding Margie's shoulder pain, she awakened early this morning will extreme pain in it. Only with medication was she able to complete the night. We "look forward" to surgery, but know well that post surgery will be a process as she recovers and goes through therapy. Thanks, friends, for praying.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Activity time
It seems we are always in "activity time". Yesterday besides a doctor's appointment and some necessary shopping, we visited Joy at Christian Health Care Center in Lynden, WA. She was with other clients at the activity session. Joy was working on a puzzle of sorts and when we arrived she stopped and we each sat down with her around the table. Margie on one side and I on the other. The main part of the activity for Joy, we know, is the last round, when refreshments are served. We helped her through that part then took her to her room where she wanted to lie down and rest. We got her comfortably settled in the bed and then after a short visit, left for home.She likes to take a nap about that time each day. In town, Margie stayed in the car most the time and I got the things on the list. At one store she did the shopping while I went nearby to another. It was great she was able to do this alone. Her pain level is high most the time and we look forward to surgery day although we can imagine how complicated therapy will be. But we will cross that bridge when we get to it. In the meantime, thanks for praying for us.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
I finally finished the income tax reporting and got it sent off. That is a relief for another year, although the tax consultants told me I probably will not have to file again. Although the weatherman forecasts even snow, it is a bright sunny day and we will be going to town. Margie has an appointment this afternoon. Margie continued in her persistent way to clean the bathrooms yesterday. I did the floors and also the kitchen. Margie manages her shoulder pain pretty well during the day. At night is a different story. Last night she finally got it under control and had a pretty good night. We hope to see Joy sometime today also. Thanks for praying.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Office cleaning
I spent the good part of the day getting things organized to do our income tax stuff. I had filed away one document I needed, and couldn't find it. It never occurred to me that I should look in the file cabinet where I put it. But I was happy to get all the extra paper work looked over, organized and now I am ready to "work" on the questionnaire which I fill out and send into the organization handling our case. Hopefully I will get that done today. Margie had a restless night but the last part of it (this morning) went well. She is up and starting her day. The wind blew something fierce during the night. The weatherman still has the "S" word in the forecast but we doubt if that will happen. Margie is trying to patiently wait for the shoulder surgery. The pain is hard on her but we know relief is ahead. Thanks for praying.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Income tax
All year I keep records and this time of year, finish off with all the adding up of columns of figures on my Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Today I will be doing the nitty gritty work of filling out the workbook sent us by the organization that helps us with our reporting. They have done it for YEARS and we appreciate their kind help.Margie will help me also by going through our Group Health papers to determine the total amount spent on hospital, medication, etc. last year. Naturally I will be happy when it is all over. Margie had a good night last night for which we are so thankful. As I look out my office window, I see all the house roofs are white with a thin layer of snow which apparently fell during the night. We trust you all have a good day and we never stop thanking you for your prayer support. We appreciate it.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
We are grateful and glad to be able to attend church this morning. We remember past days when Margie was unable to attend for many months. Thankfully Margie had a good night and that gives her more strength for today's activities. Yesterday was a quiet day. Our family was not here and maybe that was the reason. We will not be attending our granddaughter's birthday celebration today nor our daughter-in-law's birthday (which is today) Margie is not quite up to it with that aching shoulder which haunts her every move. She has a marvelous attitude about the surgery date, however, and will just endure until the 8th of May. We know that date could change because it already has one time already. Thanks for praying. You mean much to us.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Margie was able to finish up the ironing even though I thought I should do it. She wants to keep as busy as possible within her limitations. Otherwise, she says things get pretty boring. I took her to the hair dresser in the morning. She is unable to do her hair because of the extreme pain of the right shoulder and arthritis in both of her arms. I worked some more on my web site and answered email. We called a dear friend in Tucson who has faithfully prayed for us many years. She is failing in her health and were delighted to visit with her and pray with her. Our son and his family are not coming up this weekend. We will see what today brings forth. We look forward to church attendance tomorrow and pray we will be able to attend. Thanks to you for your prayer support for us. We are still wondering if Margie's surgery date may get moved up again like it did once this week.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Change of date
The surgery scheduling nurse called Marge yesterday to change the date of May 9 to May 8 for her surgery. So who knows, maybe it will change again. We would be pleased if it could be sooner but we leave that with the Lord. Yesterday was wash day and Margie & I do it together. I do the washing and drying so she doesn't have to go down the steps to the garage. She does the folding of the smaller items (I do the sheets -that's my "specialty"- I guess). She also did the ironing which surprised me because she has to use her right arm. It was change the bed sheets day, and I did 4 beds. In the evening we attended prayer meeting. Yesterday it rained as hard as we have ever seen it rain even in the years we were in Brazil. Thank you all for praying. Our greatest concern right now is the waiting period for surgery for Margie. The pain is extreme. Fortunately she now has pain medication, but she is very CAREFUL in using it.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Happy to see us
We visited Joy yesterday and she was in the hall of the Care Center and was pleased to see us. She was tired and started to sleep while in the wheel chair. We asked the care lady if she could put her in bed. As soon as she was in bed, she was like she was last week, smiling and happy to have us there. A friend of ours whose mother is also in the same facility just a couple rooms away, came by before we arrived and waved at Joy and she said Joy returned the wave in her own way.. It is so amazing. They are definitely teaching her sign language and apparently she is using it in a limited way. We are pleased. Please pray for Margie. She did not have a good night because of the shoulder pain. If it is the Lord's will, we would be very happy to have the surgery sooner than May 9. Thanks for praying about this with us.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
May 9
Pending no cancellations or other unknowns, this is the day Margie will have her shoulder replacement surgery. We are praying the pain will not be too intense for her during the waiting period. Margie worked in the kitchen as much as possible with that sore arm and shoulder. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen floor. I also worked on income tax material. Today, Lord willing, we will visit Joy and will report on that tomorrow. Thanks so much for your prayers. They mean so much to us.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
We have not mentioned it very much, but Margie's right shoulder hurts badly. Her right hand shakes and the pain is almost unbearable. Yesterday she consulted with an orthopedist and upon examining the x-rays, said, " It is bone on bone". There is no cushioning of any kind. She cannot continue with this pain. Now we are awaiting the surgery scheduling secretary to make her appointment. I am sure you will join us in prayer about this. Because of Margie's inoperable knee cap situation in both legs, she needs both arms to help her get up from any sitting position. We will need a lot of wisdom and extra strength as we face this next hurdle.
Thank you for praying. We sincerely appreciate it.
Thank you for praying. We sincerely appreciate it.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Sunday blessing
We were blessed to hear missionary Tim Franklin and his family Sunday morning. We worked with Tim's parents in northeast Brazil. He now teaches in the Berean Seminary in Natal, that I was privileged to direct many years ago. It was special to have flashbacks of memory about the ministry in that part of Brazil. Because of the time change, we awakened earlier than usual because the service was a different time than we are accustomed to. It was harder for Margie the rest of the day, but she made it through okay. Our daughter-in-law, Gina, came by for a visit and told of her visit to our daughter Joy at Christian Health Care Center in Lynden. She took extra pillows for her and a throw for her bed and some other items. She had a very nice visit with her and Joy was receptive. Please pray as Margie see an orthopedist about her shoulder pain. Thanks for praying.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Still praying
Margie did not have a good night, but we are thankful she did not fall or have a choking spell. There is always something to be thankful for. She was able to prepare a simple but nice meal for us yesterday, and our son and grandson joined us for the meal. Margie will see the orthopedist Monday concerning a shoulder that has caused such extreme pain that something must be done. She has received treatment for it in various forms but nothing seems to work. We will see what the specialist says. Please pray she will have some relief. She has suffered so much with so many things. I wish I could take on some of those pains and relieve her. Thanks for praying
Saturday, March 10, 2012
It happened again
Each day among other things this is my prayer:"Lord please don't let Margie fall or choke". These two things have beset her many times during her siege of illnesses. Early this morning she had another "breathless" spell. This is the first time in a long time. It took us by surprise. Thankfully she came out of it without passing out and hopefully had sleep the rest of the morning. I will check on her momentarily to see if she is okay. Thanks so much for praying. We ALL always need it as you well know. Our son and grandson are here with us and they are working at the Vista house. The rest of the family will arrive later today.
Friday, March 9, 2012
One more thing
Margie's doctor strongly suggested she have an ex-ray of her shoulder which is causing much discomfort. She has an appointment with an orthopedist next week. Please pray about this. She is very much against surgery because we know some of the mental damages the anesthetic can do in the elderly. Our grandson is with us and we enjoy him. He is working on the Vista house so we at least see him for some of the meals and he stays here at night. Our son will be joining him probably this evening and together they will work on their project at Vista house. The weather is mild today, but the weatherman predicts snow for the weekend. It may not even fall in this area but I guess they are safer by at least warning us of the possibility.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Pleasant visit
Yesterday we scheduled too much activity into our day's plans. We will not do that again. Margie had a doctor's appointment and after that we drove to Lynden to see Joy at Christian Health Care Center. Joy had just finished her afternoon walk and was being refreshed by the care giver and put in bed for a rest. Upon entering the room Joy began to make joyful sounds and had a big smile for us. Margie sat in a chair next to her bed and I sat on the bed beside Joy. I thought it would be better to sit at the foot of the bed, but Joy preferred I sit close to her. It was a very special time. The caregiver said that Joy would nap, and sure enough she started to doze off so we took that opportunity to leave. We were mighty glad to be back home after having been gone for about 5 hours. Last night our grandson, Nathan, came and he is staying with us for the weekend while he works at the Vista house. Thank you for praying for us. We appreciate it so much.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Thyroid medication
Margie received the doctor's word about how long it will take for her to notice the effects of medication. It will be a long time and Margie had already decided to just "grit her teeth" and get on with the program despite the symptoms she is experiencing. She attended the Ladies Missionary meeting yesterday and always enjoys that time of fellowship and prayer. She also continued writing email and we are happy she is back doing this. It is a real help to me and a ministry besides. Unfortunately she did not have a real good night last night. We pray tonight will be better. Today we visit Joy and will report on that tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Good decision
Margie's decision to move forward despite her ills, seemed tp bring good results yesterday. She was very busy around here doing many things and accomplishing much. She is back into doing e-mail and that is a blessing for me and her. I appreciate her touching base with friends and it helps me a lot. The weather is "interesting" these days. We have bright sunlight then rain and during the night snow. Please continue your prayers for Margie's improvement with the thyroid medication. Thank you very much.
Monday, March 5, 2012
An important decision
Margie's poor health puts her at times in depression. She has been experiencing this for over a week now. Sunday we had planned on staying home because she felt so badly. But yesterday morning while reading her Bible, stated she wanted to go to church. She made the decision to go anyway, despite her feelings. She wanted to be at the worship service. I was pleased but knew it was a sacrifice for her to do her best to get ready and attend. We were blessed by an invitation from our son to join him for lunch at a local restaurant. We had a nice time and the food was delicious. Margie's decision to get back into the flow of our regular schedule applies and we have planned our week to do the normal activities we have been doing for some time. She will be contacting her doctor about the continued shakiness and general weakness she is experiencing. the thyroid medication has not caused any change she is aware of. Please pray with us about this. We appreciate it.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
After a long time
With determination Margie decided to jump back into the e-mail writing mode again. It was so very hard for her when we tried it several times before. I set up a larger monitor on the dining room table and equipped the laptop with an external keyboard and mouse and adjusted the print on the Outlook. Now she can see better what she is doing. Our son Rawlie is here to work on the Vista house so it is nice having him in for meals and fellowship. Margie wants to attend church this morning so this is a good sign. Hopefully this week she will get back into the former routine of our shopping trip, visit to Joy, prayer meeting, etc. We are praying this will be possible. Thank you for your prayers also.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Time will tell
We are banking on the fact that with time the medication Margie is taking will take effect. She is still shaky and weak and pretty down about her condition. It must be hard when she has been sick so much and not a whole lot of relief. The major thing now is the process of taking her medications. There are restrictions on when some are taken and how much time elapses before taking anything else. The combination of medications is also restrictive. Some cannot be taken with other components found in others. You almost have to be "computerized" to make it through your medicine taking episodes. So please pray for her as she adjusts to this rigid schedule. We thank you for your faithfulness in this. We appreciate it.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Call to pray
As mentioned yesterday, taking medication can be complicated. At times it is overwhelming for Margie, coupled with the fact that she has been ill so long. It is discouraging to be ill most the time. Please pray for her as she goes through another down time. We are praying the thyroid medication will help her symptoms of weakness and shakiness. Today I am setting up her computer with a larger screen to see if she can use it easier. She wants to be active. The last few day she has been limited. Thank you so much for praying.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Taking medication the correct way can be very complicated. Margie's doctor prescribed medicine for her thyroid problem which was the result of the blood work done a couple of days ago. Because she is on so many different medications, care has to be taken to get the sequence in proper order. She had to call the pharmacist last night and go over several options because it was just too complicated. But on the brighter side of things, Margie was relieved to get back this report concerning the thyroid. She had supposed it may have been something worse. We appreciate so much your prayer support. For Margie it gets pretty discouraging, having so many ailments to deal with. We can only thank the Lord for the good days He has given her in the last several weeks. We pray now with this new challenge, she will improve with medication. Our thanks to you ALL.
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