Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Yesterday we were all set to attend the senior luncheon at our church. Before mid morning, Margie was feeling quite weak and shaky. She made an appointment with the doctor and I drove her to Lynden (about 15 miles). the doctor ordered blood work and suspected it could be thyroid trouble. We are awaiting the lab test now. The doctor also indicated she may need 2 units of blood. So we are in the holding pattern now. All yesterday she was shaky, very weak and lost sensation in her left hand (it was numb). Thankfully she had a good night and we hope and pray today she may hear from the doctor. We called the nurses station where Joy is, to advise them we would not be visiting her this week. Thank you dear ones for your prayers. We value them greatly.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Last minute: We are leaving to see the doctor now. Margie is not feeling well.
That's what I was doing yesterday. I continued my long effort of taking our slides and putting them in digital format. It is interesting going over 58 years of slides. I took Margie to the chiropractor because she was feeling punk. He really helped her shoulder that has been keeping her awake at night with pain. Margie did have a good night and we are thankful. This morning when I looked out the kitchen window, a family of 3 deer was standing there. The only problem is that "baby" was on the other side of the fence in the neighbor's yard. Somehow they manage to get together again down the line. We understand they can leap over the fence with the greatest of ease. We had a scare yesterday because our good friend Charlotte was taken to the ER at 5 in the morning with a possible heart attack. Thankfully she was released in the evening. It was a case of acute of acid reflux.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Eighty one
Margie and Rawlie greeted me yesterday morning with Happy Birthday. Later at church during the welcome time after church they sang to me. Our son and his family took us to a restaurant in Bellingham and treated me to a meal. At home Rawlie presented me with two wonderful gifts and then I read all the cards we received, via mail and e-mail etc. I had a wonderful day and rejoice and thank the Lord for the good health He has given me these years. I was concerned however with Margie as she did not feel really well all day and was pretty shaky went she went to bed. This morning she is some better but today she will get some help to find out what's going on. She has had many wonderful days of increased strength so this concerns us. Thank you for remembering her in your prayers. Also, not all of you will know Charlotte Boraker, but this morning she was taken to the hospital with a possible heart attack. Thanks for praying for her.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
So far
Just a "trace" of sleet and snow fell last night. Today the road is clear, even though more is forecast. Yesterday Margie had a very busy day in the kitchen. She baked and prepared lunch with only a little of my help. Our son is here and she had a nice lunch ready for h im when he returned from his work at the Vista house. I spent a good part of the afternoon writing more stories of our years in Brazil. I enjoy doing it and the family is trying to convince me to put them in a book. I am looking into it. Today we look forward to church. thanks for your prayers,
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Is he right?
The forecast this morning was for snow in the higher elevations today and tomorrow. We will see. We live on what used to be called "Swede Hill". It's a little higher than Ferndale. I drove Margie to her hair dressers yesterday and went to Walgreens to get one of her prescriptions. We were delighted in the evening when our son arrived to work on the Vista house today. His family should be here tomorrow if the snow doesn't stop them. If this rain today turns to snow we may have a different report for tomorrow's blog. Thanks for your prayers,
Friday, February 24, 2012
Day to day activities
Daily schedules are routine and we all have them. We look forward each Thursday evening to the prayer meeting held in our church at 6:30. We are few in number but we know the Lord is pleased with corporate prayer. It is an honor and privilege to be part of it. During the day we went about our normal activities including cleaning bathrooms. Margie does this and I help by doing the floors and also the kitchen. I did some book work and Margie did more cleaning in the kitchen. We received a call from the nurse where Joy lives, asking permission to use some medication on Joy's eye problem. We are so pleased the way she is cared for there. We learned this week that because Joy cannot hear or speak, the therapist who uses sign language with her, has been very encouraged. Now several of the staff persons are learning to sign to help with Joy's care. What a blessing. Thanks for your prayers,
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Yesterday we had a great time in our visit with Joy. We arrived during their activity period and joined her for the exercises. Margie sat next to her and tried to help her move her arms, hands and legs (almost impossible) along with the music and spoken instructions. It was a fun time and Joy did not complain at all. We know why. At the conclusion of this monkey bread was served. Joy loves to eat. And monkey bread is DELICIOUS. At the activity time was Marsha speech therapist (sign language) standing behind Joy. At a convenient time she told us that one day as she passed Joy's room, Joy with her fingers (opening and closing) gave a "wave" to her. She said, "I almost cried". We are so grateful for the tender loving care Joy received from all who work with her. We are impressed. The day's activities tired Marge out a great deal so we were glad to get her back home. Did I mention that the new bed was also delivered in the morning? We use twin beds. This one is Margie's . She is very pleased with it. Thank you dear ones for your prayers.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
"Interesting" weather
We never know how forecasts are going to work out. We are told that by the weekend, we may have snow. We'll see. Today the new bed is to be delivered. One never knows how long we will wait for that. I am busy getting the bedroom prepared for that item to arrive. Margie did pretty well, preparing our lunch, experimenting with a new casserole, compatible with her non gluten requirements. It turned out real good. She said she would change some things next time she made it. We are trying to figure out the best day to visit Joy. Friday is the day we have been doing it but it was too near her lunch time. We think a different time would be better. As always, thank you for praying. Margie did not have a good night and we are sorry about that. We pray tonight will be better.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Early trip to town
We took advantage of Presidents' Day bargains and got a bed. It will be delivered Wednesday. I worked on our business blog, which may be closing soon. I am writing narratives of our years in Brazil and publishing them online. If there is a market, I may discontinue the online part of it and publish these many articles with a Christian publishing company. Please pray with us about this. The day went very fast and as usual there doesn't seem to be enough time to get all done we want to. Is that a sign of old age? I think so. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Presidents' Day
There are bargains all over the place today. Ordinarily we are not racing after these special prices but today we are. It's time to replace a bed. Hopefully we will find one that suits us. Yesterday was delightful, being in our church for the service. Our friends mean so much to us and it is good to be in the service. Our pastor is going through the book of Philippians in his Sunday series. We had a nice visit from our daughter-in-law and Ben and Monique yesterday. Rawlie was not able to be here this weekend. We received a call from the Christian Health Care Center asking permission to change a medication for a sore on Joy's foot. We are thankful for the good care she receives in her new home. Again, thank you for your faithful prayer support.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Because of Margie's gluten intolerance, many new ways of eating have been discovered. Yesterday she worked on a custard using one of the non-dairy "milks" because she can not have too much regular milk in her diet. On and on it goes. We have learned to shop at places that sell gluten free products. She has a book with thousands of foods which are "allowed" on this kind of diet. So it is a challenge to keep finding things that are compatible with her needs. She does very well at it. Yesterday Margie made several phone calls to ladies she prays for. It is a rewarding ministry and Margie does it well. Our son did not get here Saturday, but may show up today. Monday is a holiday for some and maybe he is thinking of that. He always brings his laptop computer,to check with his company if there are any matters he should take care of - even if it is a holiday. Probably not all of you view our web site. If you can, I posted a picture there of Joy's new bedspread and also of her looking at a magazine. Here is the "address"
We never grow tired of thanking you for your prayer support.
We never grow tired of thanking you for your prayer support.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
A magazine for Joy
Yesterday in our visit with Joy, we handed her a magazine. She LOVES magazines, thumbing through them in her own peculiar way, sometimes apparently looking intently at the pictures. We never know what is going through her mind. We also do no know what causes frustration and prompts her to tear the magazine in small pieces. Ever since she was a small girl she has done this. We remember how she would take a 1/2 gallon milk carton and tear it into small pieces and hold ALL the pieces in her hands. Yesterday I put a waste basket by her and she systematically dropped the small pieces of the magazine into it. We have always said, she is very orderly. Most assuredly there is frustration in Joy's mind that causes this tearing of magazines. We will probably never really know. Our daughter-in-law Gina, gave Joy a new bedspread. It is real nice and the Christian Health Care Center gave permission to put it on her bed. It is real nice and I have a picture of Joy looking at it.
After giving a glowing report of Margie's health in yesterday's blog, last night she did not do well at all. She had trouble with choking. Thankfully it was not serious to the point of calling me to help her. Please pray that tonght will be more restful for her. And we do thank you for your prayers,
After giving a glowing report of Margie's health in yesterday's blog, last night she did not do well at all. She had trouble with choking. Thankfully it was not serious to the point of calling me to help her. Please pray that tonght will be more restful for her. And we do thank you for your prayers,
Friday, February 17, 2012
Doing more and more
It is thrilling to see how the Lord has strengthened Margie through these last many months. At times I almost feel
guilty because I should be doing more around the house. Margie claims I do already, but it is most encouraging to see how her health has improved and she can do so much more now. We are pleased. During Margie's down months, I did all the washing, drying, ironing, house cleaning - you name it. But now we share many of these tasks. And it is because Margie wants to do them. It is truly a great answer to prayer. She still has to take it easy and not overdo but in general she is so much better. We are so grateful for all of you who have helped us with your intercession for Margie, Joy and the related challenges of each. Thanks so much.
guilty because I should be doing more around the house. Margie claims I do already, but it is most encouraging to see how her health has improved and she can do so much more now. We are pleased. During Margie's down months, I did all the washing, drying, ironing, house cleaning - you name it. But now we share many of these tasks. And it is because Margie wants to do them. It is truly a great answer to prayer. She still has to take it easy and not overdo but in general she is so much better. We are so grateful for all of you who have helped us with your intercession for Margie, Joy and the related challenges of each. Thanks so much.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Quick trip
Yesterday we made a quick trip into town to get some supplies. We were happy to be back home just a few minutes past 12. The activities of the afternoon seemed to keep us both busy and we finished in the late afternoon and evening by watching the news to catch up on what is going on in our big world. We are very aware that Christians should be much in prayer concerning the political scene. I am evaluating my home business deal, not convinced that with my lack of know-how it will ever get off the ground in a way that would help financially. It has cost me VERY little up to this point. And I haven't wasted any time because my life long desire and that of our son, to write our Brazilian story, is being done daily as I add more narratives to the site. We appreciate your prayers about this.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Slipping away
We are reminded how fragile life is. In the last week we have lost 4 friends, who were graduated to glory. We miss them but their lot is so much better THERE. It is amazing as we grow older (we are already there) how ones perspective changes on many things. It's not even the idea of being "morbid" about things, but just the practical way of dealing with things as we age. We had a busy day yesterday and Margie, thankfully, was able to keep busy around the house, mostly the kitchen, preparing our meals. We are truly grateful to the Lord for her improvement. We know it is an answer to prayer and you all have been a part of that with us and we thank you.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day
Today is HEARTS day. Margie and I exchanged our "words" this morning. Margie had a good night and yesterday was very nice to us as well. Our son was here until afternoon, working here from his laptop. It is always nice having him (and his family). I spent the good part of the day working on more Brazil narratives of our years as missionaries. I am going through hundreds of slides, which bring back many memories and give more ideas for another story. I wrote 4 more narratives and Margie corrects them. Today it is raining - not unusual for Washington. Margie wants to get back to her laptop. It has been very hard for her at first when she was so sick so she had to give it up. Today we are going to give it another try. Thanks for praying.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Rawlie and Nathan were here over the weekend and Margie prepared simple meals for them. They had a challenge in the Vista house with a plumbing problem and spent a lot of time working on it. Nathan went home last night. Rawlie is still with us, working here from our house, and will later return to Stanwood. to his home after he checks on the plumbing repair. While here they always enjoy the lattes I make for them. Friends called to ask what they should expect when they visited our daughter Joy yesterday. We explained how she does not speak, nor can she hear. But we did tell them that she observes everything. Not much escapes her view. She is very perceptive. We never take for granted your prayer ministry for us. Thanks so much.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Software installation
Our son gave us MS Office so I spent some time installing it on our laptop. Now it gives me all the "old faithful" programs and all I have to do is learn the new things about them. But that is enjoyable. Rawlie and Nathan worked on the Vista house yesterday. Margie made her customary phone calls around the country, ministering to lady friends. I spent a good deal of time going through the comments that are posted to our blog site. With almost 2000, I have plenty of work to keep these processed. We are thrilled that Margie is well enough to prepare meals, which she did for us and our son and grandson. Nathan helped her with the stir fry part as he is an excellent cook. Today we look forward to attending church where another missionary couple will be speaking. Our pastor is recovering from partial knee surgery and he might attend today. Your prayers for Margie are so much appreciated. Thank you.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Visiting with Joy
After doing some things in Ferndale, we left to visit Joy in Lynden. I could hear her when we walked down the hall toward her room. She was sitting in the wheel chair and the water was running in the wash basin. She like to put stuff in the basin and mix it with water. Fortunately there was nothing to put in it so it wouldn't get clogged. A caregiver came and walked Joy down a couple of hallways. We walked with her. She wasn't overly excited about that, we could tell. After returning to the room, however, she was calm and seemed to enjoy our being there. When Margie went down to the nurses station to request a hair cut for Joy, Joy followed her each step of the way with her eyes. Then she glanced over where I was sitting and checked where Margie had put her purse. She wanted to know if she had taken her purse. We discovered a long time ago that Joy does not miss much. She knows what is going on. We are pleased with the loving care given her. While there, we went two rooms away from Joy, and visited the mother of one of our church members. We had never met her. We had prayer with her. What a sweet lady. Thank you all for your prayers.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Neurologists report
We are grateful for the report by the neurologist yesterday concerning Margie's condition. He wanted to know if she had any more seizures. No! He concluded what I had always said, that Margie's many past falls were due to her seizures. And we never did know this until I discovered her staring into space one day in her easy chair and not responding to anything I said. That's the day I called 911 which eventually resulted in her taking medication for seizures the rest of her life. We are so thankful for her improvement. You have had a part in this through your prayers and we thank you.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Here we go
A 3 minute video yesterday reminded me of how complicated things can get as we age. It was humorous but oh so true. Well, yesterday we changed some of our schedule and did things we normally don't, so we would free today to do necessary things in town. Margie has an important appointment with the neurologist today. We appreciate your prayers for her during these days of improvement. We are aware of the fact that since Joy's case has been settled (we pray), her health has been better. She readily admits to this. The many weeks prior to her transfer to Washington were VERY hard on her. We praise the Lord for the way H E worked things out. Thank you all for your help for us in prayer. It is appreciated.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Letter day
Yesterday we almost finished our yearly project of getting out a letter to our friends around the world. Margie is doing the hard copy ones. That's because she is not as comfortable on the computer after her long illness. I finished up the electronic ones which included a picture of our son and his family. We are already receiving comments about the letter and picture. The age of email has certainly helped us. Today there is a weather change. For several days we have had bright sunshine all day. People are already out in their yards and gardens working. It is amazing. We continue to rejoice in the fact that Joy is so close to us now and we can see her from time to time. We are pleased with the marvelous way the staff at Christian Health Care Center are caring for her. Thanks for your prayers,
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Wonderful news
Yesterday Margie received great news from her retina specialist. Her condition is stable with no negatives to report since her last exam. She is faithfully taking the vitamin regime he prescribed for her condition and I put the drops in her eyes each evening according to his orders. We are truly grateful for this because macular degeneration is a serious thing and Margie has done all she could to follow professional orders to help keep her sight. I also had a nice experience at the Social Security department when I tried to get Joy's funding changed to the new facility where she lives. Instead of my doing it, the home in Lynden will do it and payments will go directly to them. What good news. Today we are in the middle of sending out our 2012 letter. I am helping Margie as much as I can because the computer work tires her easily. I can do it with the greatest of ease and enjoy it so we will see how today goes. Thank YOU for praying for us.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Delightful Sunday
We were blessed being in our home church Sunday. A guest missionary speaker gave a very interesting message showing how on the mission field they encourage the believers to write songs about their faith. After church we were guests for a meal at a very nice restaurant in Bellingham by a long time friend. We had a great time and wonderful meal. Margie has not always been able to do this so it was special for us. Today I will be taking Margie to a specialists for her eyes and I will be pursuing more documents for Joy at the Social Security department. Thanks for praying with us as we do these things.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Bright Sun
Margie is always thrilled when she sees the sunshine. For several days we have experienced this and the weatherman says there will be more. We do have friends who get depressed when it's cloudy or balmy weather. We always figured we had so much to do, there was no time to get depressed. Margie experimented in the kitchen with making fried rice. It didn't turn out to her satisfaction but was good anyway. I vacuumed the house and worked more on the many comments left at our blog. Margie made here customary phone calls she does each Saturday. This was the first weekend in many that our son and or his family didn't come to Ferndale to work on the houses. Rawlie called last night and we had a good visit via the telephone. I appreciate your prayers as I continue to do more of Joy's documentation for medical help. That will be Tuesday morning at the Social Security office in Bellingham. Thanks for standing with us in prayer.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
"This is a strange"
Paul Harvey used to say this during his commentary when speaking of something unusual. Several days for no reason at all, I said to Margie,"Wouldn't it be something if one of these days Joy would speak. Yesterday we went to visit Joy and she was not in her room. We dropped by the Admission Director's office and she warmly greeted us and said the following:" Joy spoke the word "momma" today. She found Joy for us who was with a vocational therapist working with her. She uses sign language and was so tender and compassionate with her. She, Marsha, had been talking to Ruth Bose at Shepherds about a half hour on the telephone, seeking more direction in how to communicate with Joy and how to "read" Joy's actions also. Marsha said that without a doubt at one point Joy spoke plainly the word momma. Well, we will let YOU decide if this was just a moan or groan or guttural sound that she emitted, or if she indeed said it. We personally have never heard her speak. If she had that worked tucked into her mind since childhood when she could actually hear we have no idea. But it was strange I had the idea days ago of the possibility of her saying a word, and then yesterday the story we just told you. Very interesting to say the least. We are so pleased with the great care and challenge Joy is to those in her present home. They are doing everything to understand her better and make life enjoyable for her there. We are grateful and thank you for your prayers.
Friday, February 3, 2012
To the end
Yes, we are getting TO THE END of another week. Our schedule is rather full for today and we'll comment tomorrow on it. Yesterday was a busy day with washing, drying, folding and ironing. Margie did the last two while I washed. She also prepared meals. I am trying to make a go of our other blog to bring in a little extra for medical expenses. If it doesn't work out I will seek something else and will have gained a lot of headway in writing about our 25 years in Brazil. It has been very enjoyable. Thanks for praying always for us and our situations. We appreciate it.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Around the corner
Yes, IRS time is here. I spent some time yesterday doing reading about our situation now as retirees. I am glad we still have time before the returns have to be submitted. Margie had a pretty good day, working around mostly in the kitchen. We went to town in the morning to get some supplies. Last night I spoke at AWANA and told one of the many stories of our experiences on the Amazon River. Thanks for your faithful prayer support of Margie and Joy's move to our state. We appreciate it.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Always one more thing to do
We never cease to be amazed at how much there is to do. In reality I believe it's because we are old and it takes longer to do everything. Yesterday I spent a good amount of time writing more articles for our blog. I enjoy writing about our years in Brazil and Margie is the proofreader and is such a help to me in this. Other than that, we spent the day doing the odd jobs around the house that always demand our attention. We also delivered a baby gift to a friend. Margie had a good day and last night also.
Thanks for praying for us during these years of Margie's illness. It is so comforting knowing you are there.
Thanks for praying for us during these years of Margie's illness. It is so comforting knowing you are there.
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