Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rude awakening

Margie had a good day, doing various duties around the house.  She baked some gluten free muffins for herself also. In the evening we prepared the oven for the self-clean mode and started the process.  BUT we forgot an important matter.  We forgot to turn the exhaust fan on over the stove to get rid of that fierce odor.  I finally realized it and turned it on.  But it was too late.  Margie got sick and headed for the bedroom where we always prepare the room with fresh air, by opening the door and using a fan.  This is the way she sleeps best.  That was her salvation.  I sprayed the entire house (minus the bedroom) trying to minimize the hideous odor and told Margie not to come out of the bedroom.  Finally things got calmed down but we learned a good lesson, which we should have known, but it's easy to forget some important things. Today all is back to normal and things "smell" good again. I am so glad she didn't suffer all night because of it.  She slept well.  We are thankful.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Family visit

After preaching yesterday in our home church, we had lunch and later went to Christian Health Care Center in Lynden, Washington to visit our daughter Joy.  Joy seemed pleased to be with us.  As usual she had MANY things on her mind that she wanted us to do. Without words she grabs our hand and "points" to whatever she would like us to do.  She is a busy gal and keeps us busy while there.  We finally figured out that she wanted her shoes on and we pushed her around in the wheelchair throughout the many corridors of the facility.  It was getting nearer to her supper hour so one of her caregivers said she would be walking with her walker to supper. That is good because she needs the exercise.  With that, we left and picked up a prepared chicken on the way home and had a bite to eat.  Then Rawlie and Gina and Monique went to Vista house for the night and we prepared for sleep.  It was a good day.  The time with Joy was hard for Margie as Joy continuously grabbed her arm trying to get her to do something.  Next time we will not put Margie so close to her so it won't wear her out.  We did have a nice time however and are so grateful to have Joy close to us.  Thanks for praying.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Preparing for Sunday

I was honored to be asked to preach at our church today.  Yesterday I spent part of the day putting the final touches to those preparations.  Margie, as usual, made her customary Saturday phone calls as she ministers this way on the telephone.  Our son and family are here in Ferndale also this weekend.  I looked out the office window yesterday morning and it was snowing.  It didn't last long and we know the children are disappointed.
Our family plans to visit Joy tomorrow and that will be fun. We thank each of you for your prayer support.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

First conference

Joy has now been in the Christian Health Care Center for 13 days (today).  Yesterday the staff scheduled our first conference relative to Joy's care there.  We had a very positive time as different staff persons gave their input about Joy.  She (Joy) is a challenge to them as they learn to "read" her.  It is amazing already how much they have picked up about her.  Her inability to talk makes things more challenging. She also cannot hear, so therefore can receive no verbal commands.  All had to be done through sign language.  We are not real sure she knows very many signs but in one way or another seems to be able to get along.  They are learning and we are sure it will always be that way.  The Shepherd's staff worked with her for 44 years and we are sure they could teach the present staff many things if they were here. Thank you for praying for these kind ladies who are working with Joy.  We appreciate so much their fine attitude and desire to make life as pleasant as possible for Joy.  Margie had a wonderful night and we are thinking in part that is because of our peace concerning Joy's well being now. Thanks for praying.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Strength for the day

We are so pleased in answered prayer concerning daily strength for Margie.  We firmly believe that Joy's settlement near us and or ability to visit her often as we desire, has made a huge difference in her health. At first the uncertainty of Joy's future was tearing Margie down.  You all have had a hand in her recovery as you have prayed so faithfully.  We thank you much for this.  Today we have a conference with the staff at Christian Health Care Center regarding Joy's initial days in the new facility.  We are looking forward to this. Yesterday we were in contact with Shepherds about some medical history information needed.  Today we take a brand new magazine for Joy's enjoyment.  Magazines seem to be her sole source of recreation.  We are glad she enjoys them.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A first

For a couple of  years now I have taken Margie shopping, to the doctors, visits, church and other events.  Yesterday I drove her to the doctor appointment but she went in on her own.  This is a first.  Then I took her to some places where she did the shopping while I stayed in the car.  Boy, this is a first and a tribute to answered prayer.  I know the day was hard on her but I was unable to help much due to my coming out of the flu episode. Gratefully she had a good night so did not suffer from her very busy day.  I received another important call from the Christian Health Care Center and today will be getting some answers to their questions.  I will be calling Shepherds for the answers.  Thanks for praying. Joy's new caregivers are endeavoring to give her the best care possible and we are pleased.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Getting back to normal?

I hope so.  I have been down about 8 days and it is about time I start getting better.  With the exception of a slight case of vertigo, I am  beginning to feel "human" again.  I will venture driving Margie today to her doctor;s appointment.  I have been asked to preach in our church Sunday and request your prayer as I prepare for that.
We will return to visit Joy as soon as I am completely well.  Yesterday I spent many hours on the phone trying to contact people regarding Joy's documents, I am getting in order.  It all takes time.  Thanks for your prayers. We appreciate them. Margie had a good night for which we are grateful.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Visit to Joy

A friend took Margie yesterday to visit Joy.  Margie wanted to take her for a walk in her walker, but Joy was not too interested in that.  But they went a little distance and returned.  Joy looked good and she is well cared for  there. Margie was pleased she felt up to making the trip.  She enjoyed the time with our good friend who drove her there also.  I stayed home because I was not well enough to get out.  I had to make several phone calls relative to Joy's documentation.  I was unsuccessful so will have to try again this morning. I hope that today the people are in their offices and answer the phone calls.  We called Ruth Bose who left today from Seattle to her home in Wisconsin.  She was such a blessing and we appreciate all she did in getting Joy settled in her new place.  Our thanks to each of you for our faithfulness in prayer.  It means so much to us.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hopefully better

I am praying I will be better from here on.  I had a good night's rest.  I feel pretty good, a little tired but have several things to do with regard to Joy's documents so must keep at it. Margie will visit Joy today.  I am unable to do so because of my cold.  A kind friend will take Margie there.  Margie has been wanting to see her but the road condition(snow) and my health prevented it.  Margie has taken the lead in things around the house because I have been unable to do them.  I rejoice she is stronger and able to do more but do not want her to get worn down in the process.  Hopefully by mid week I will be getting my strength back.   Yesterday we did not go to church.Our son was here Friday and Saturday night and he is always a big help.  We appreciate it greatly.  So please keep on praying, I will get better, Margie will maintain her health and that I can get Joy's paper work in order.  Thank you much for this help.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Still not "out of the woods"

I guess I got a good dose of the flu.  Thankfully the major part of Joy's transfer to Lynden is complete and Mrs. Bose's time with the staff helping them know Joy's ways, is finished. She is back in Sultan, WA with her family.  I am a little better each day but still am not able to attend church this morning.  I am grateful Margie feels better and made the meals and cleaned up the kitchen.  I usually help with these things but now I am on the side lines.
Now that Joy is so close we really want to be there.  A dear friend has offered to take Margie to see her Monday if I am not able to go.  Our prayer request is to pray I will be strong in order to take Margie to her next appointment on Wednesday.  Thank you very much.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Challenges with the snow

We are so sorry we cannot drive the 15 miles to visit Joy.  The snow in our cul-de-sac is deep and with 10 -14 degrees it stayed dangerous for several days.  With the northeast winds, our driveway builds up as much as 3 ft drifts (and more).  We had a young person (Garrett)  from our church come and shovel it out.  His mother (Lisa) helped some also and then went to Walgreens to get Margie's medication.  We certainly did appreciate this as I have been sick for several days and unable to do any of it.  I finally was able to drive the car to the mailbox and get our mail.  Margie dare not even try to walk on the icy roads.  Our DirecTV lost its signal and a kind lady from the support team was able to get us the non HD programs.  But even yesterday we lost them too.  BUT Rawlie, our son, came to work on the Vista house and last night he cleared the accumulation of snow from the satellite dish and now we are back to normal.  We are so grateful for others who help us.And thanks so much for praying for Joy's life at the new facility.  She is doing superb.  The staff there is so kind. They have called every day asking questions about how to improve her care.  It is such a blessing.  Thanks for praying.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Joy's care at Christian Health Care Center

We are so pleased with the calls received from the staff at Christian Health Care Center. We received two calls yesterday explaining how the doctor checked Joy and has ordered some new tests and medication changes.  The lady told us it was touching to see the doctor work with Joy (who cannot speak or even hear)  We are grateful for answered prayer about her placement here.  We never dreamed that in our sunset years we would have this privilege of having her nearby.  The Lord is so good. The roads are terrible and we cannot get there now. By next week hopefully the weather will be milder and we can make the trip to see her. Yesterday Margie did practically everything around here because I am still recovering from "whatever" I had.. I am so grateful she was able to do what she did.. Today I am still not back to normal.  We both had good nights for which we are thankful.  And again THANK you  praying.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Much snow

Much snow for us probably is less snow for many. When Mrs. Bose brought Joy to Washington we took her back and forth to Christian Health Care Center.  Normally we would not have driven in those conditions but there was no choice.  We did fine.  And we were so thankful our son took Mrs. Bose to meet her daughter so we didn't have to make that trip.  Our car is real reliable and has studless tires that do a good job on snow and ice. TODAY however, we must get out again BUT there is a problem.  A 3 ft. snowdrift blocks our car in the garage.  We will have, Lord willing, a landscape company come today and clear it for us.  We received a call from Joy's place yesterday for permission to get more medication for her.  The kind lady said the therapist had been with Joy and she well in the physical therapy.  We are so pleased they are working with her.  Thanks SO MUCH for praying.  It has been such a blessing to see God work in the whole thing.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Joy's transition

We prayed for a long time about Joy's transition to this facility. We wondered what she would think about new surroundings and everything. She can't talk so we will never know these answers.  But Mrs. Bose who brought Joy from Shepherds remarked over and over again about the fine place where Joy is living, and the great staff they have and how much they are dedicated to their work. Mrs. Bose spent two days helping them understand some of the ways to communicate with Joy and how to "read" her to know what she needed.  We are so indebted to Mrs. Bose for this great service to us. Joy has adapted so very well and quickly to life there. What a blessing it is.   It is more than we could ever imagine.  Yesterday Ruth decided it was best to meet her family at a half-way point and leave Ferndale, because a big storm was forecast to come in during the night.  Here in Ferndale it has already "hit".  The wind is blowing hard and the drifts make it almost impossible for us to get out of the garage now.  Our son came to Lynden, picked up Ruth Bose and took her to Mt. Vernon, WA where her daughter and son-in-law met her.  We appreciate Rawlie's doing as I was starting to feel bad and knew I shouldn't make that trip. Thank you all for praying.  We appreciate it much.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Joy's New Home

Yesterday Joy moved into her new home at Christian Health Care Center, Lynden,WA.   Mrs. Bose, her caregiver brought her from Shepherds, and her daughter Lisa and son-in-law Jim, brought her to Lynden. What a wonderful time it was.  Joy seemed to adapt as if this had been her home forever.  It was so encouraging to see this.  And the staff at this facility is so attentive and caring.  We are truly blessed. Thanks for praying.  We must take Mrs. Bose now to the Care Center and she will help the staff with some other items of interest to them in caring for Joy.  Our son will meet us there and take Mrs. Bose to a town south of us on Interstate 5 where her children will meet her half way.  This is a huge help to us.  A big storm is coming in tonight so Mrs. Bose decided to return today.  It is a wise decision.  The snow is packed on the evergreens to the point of the branches almos touching the ground.  We have LOTS of snow.   Thanks for praying.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Joy arrives in Washington

Mrs. Bose called us last night around 9 to say she and her daughter Lisa, (driver) and Joy were on the way to Monroe, WA to spend the night.  As I write, we are waiting word of their departure sometime this morning.  Check in time is from 10 to 1 today at the Christian Health Care Center in Lynden, WA.  What a marvelous answer to prayer.  The Lord put all the pieces of this puzzle together and this morning, Lord willing, we will see our daughter for the first time since 2009.  Mrs. Bose said they made the trip okay.  Joy was given a magazine (her favorite thing) and did well on the flight.  We always said she was a better traveler than I am. She was ever so attentive to what was going on in the airplane, especially to see what people were eating.  That too is one of her favorite things. Thank you dear ones for your faithful prayer support.  It means so much to us. We didn't go to church yesterday because Margie is very unstable on her feet so we didn't want to risk it.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Joy's last day a Shepherds

Today marks the end of more than 44 years she has been at Shepherds.  What marvelous memories we have of all those years.  We pray she and Mrs. Bose have a good trip today to Seattle.  We will meet them, Lord willing, in Lynden tomorrow at Joy's new home at the Christian Health Care Center.  What an answer to prayer this is.
Our son is up for the weekend to work on the Vista house.  It was nice to have him around.  He will be going home this afternoon.   Right now as I write, it is snowing hard.  Yesterday was our first snow of the season.
Thanks for praying for Joy's travel.  Snow is predicted all this week.  We must take Mrs. Bose to her daughter's home east of Everett, WA  on Wednesday.  We appreciate pray for that as well.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The snow is here

They have talked about it all week and last night the snow came.  More is predicted.  We ask you to pray for safety as Joy and Mrs. Bose arrive Sunday night and then make the trip up to Lynden Monday morning some time.  Yesterday Margie ironed all the clothes, and prepared some things in the kitchen.  Our son, Rawlie arrived around 7:45 for the weekend.  It is always nice having him here.  Our grandson and his friend are at the Vista house and we will see them sometime today.  Please continue your prayers for Joy's arrival and our trip on Wednesday to take Ruth Bose to her daughter's home in Sultan, Wa.  Snow is predicted for most of the week.

Friday, January 13, 2012

More details of Joy's placement

It seems each day there are new developments to the paper work to get Joy settled in her new place.  All have been so good to us and as we work with each agency, we are impressed with the keen interest each takes in our situation.  Truly it is a blessing from the Lord.  Yesterday we worked more with the department responsible to get Joy's Medicaid document. At church, I am responsible for the weekly prayer sheet.  This week there were serious requests to report from far and here at home.  Last night we attended the prayer meeting at church and were pleased with those who came.  Please continue to pray for our weather situation. As Joy's arrival date approaches, so does the threat of snow. Our main concern of course, is transportation.  On Wednesday of next week we will drive Ruth Bose to her daughter's place in Sultan, WA.  Please remember us and also the trip on Monday to bring Joy to Lynden, WA and the Christian Health Care Center.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

An unfortunate situation

I was very surprised to learn that the Online business I am trying to get going was all of a sudden shut down due to "invalid clicking activity".  Apparently I along with others were clicking on the ads on our site to check them out but too many did it and they disqualified me for future use.  The system pays "per click" a small percentage and if a purchase is made, one receives more.  Well, we live and learn.  Our coaching team is trying to make an appeal for reinstatement.  If that doesn't work, we will shut down our site.  I was told there is still another option. We thank you for praying about this.  We would like to have a little coming in to pay for medications that Margie's insurance does not cover.  It is all in the Lord's hand.  We enjoy so much writing the short narratives about our experiences in Brazil and hope we can continue it.  Margie had a good day yesterday and got a good report from her doctor.  This is a real answer to prayer.  Thanks for being part of this with us.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Travel plans

Last night we talked to Joy's caregiver, the kind lady who will be bringing Joy to Washington.  That call prompted us to make reservations in a motel near her daughter's home in Monroe, WA for the night they arrive in Seattle from Wisconsin.  So this morning I will make the final step in that process which I started last night. The motel's fax machine would not send me important papers.  I did a test run and called the attendant who said it came through fine.  When they tried again, it all arrived safely in our fax here. Oh the age of electronics.  But I live it all. It is turning colder here and even snow is predicted for Sunday.  Please pray for Ruth Bose, Joy and Lisa ( the driver) who will be coming up from Monroe Monday, bringing Joy to the Christian Health Care Center of Lynden, WA.  Thanks for praying for all these things, plus Margie who continues to do a little better each day and we are grateful.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Weather concern

We heard yesterday a forecast that possibly snow conditions may come to our part of the state on Monday and Tuesday. With this news we are asking you to pray about Joy's arrival and trip up here on Monday. In years past we have traveled this road when it was practically impassible. So we appreciate your prayers about this. Through email, we are making the last preparations for Joy's arrival.  Yesterday I spoke with Joy's future Case Manager and sent her the required documents needed for Joy's assessment.  We thank you for praying about these things which we pray will eventually lead to her getting her Medicaid documents.

Monday, January 9, 2012

One week

Next week at this time we will be making preparations for driving to Lynden to meet our daughter Joy and her caregiver, Mrs. Ruth Bose.  They will arrive Sunday night in Seattle and come the following day to Lynden.  Please pray for next weekend and the weather.  I just heard on the radio that a possible storm may arrive on Monday and Tuesday.  Margie had a hard time falling asleep last night but afterward all went well.  Thank you so much for praying for our requests these many months and years.  It is deeply appreciated.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


We are more optimistic concerning Margie's health, now that a place has been found for Joy.  Even though we have not cared personally for Joy these many years, Margie's heart has ached about the uncertainty of her placement during those many weeks I made calls. Margie told me what a lifted burden if was to know we have a place for her.  We are still in deliberations about our going to meet Joy next Sunday night.  Margie cannot go but I am feeling perhaps I should.  I am concerned about getting Mrs. Bose and Joy to Lisa's car which will take them to the motel where they spend the night before traveling to nearby Lynden the next day. I will be in touch with Ruth about this.  We want to tell you again how we appreciate your fine help to us through intercession. It means so much to us.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Always nice

It surely is good to see our family when they can drop by for a visit.  Our family lives about 60 miles to the south of us.  Because of responsibilities with their properties up here, they have quite a bit of maintenance and therefore we get to see them.  Rawlie and Nathan came last night and we had a nice visit before going to bed.  Also brother Harold called and we all had a good chat. The snow is heavy up there where he is working. Margie had a good night for which we are thankful.   Thanks for praying

Friday, January 6, 2012

Different plan

We now know that our daughter will be arriving, Lord willing, in Seattle Sunday night January 15. She and her caregiver will be met by the latter's daughter and they will spend overnight in a motel.  The next morning, Jan. 16, they will drive to Lynden and we will meet them there and Joy will be placed in the Christian Health Care Center. Many are excited about this plan and looking forward to meeting Joy.  Yesterday Margie had two medical appointments in Bellingham.  I did most the shopping while she was at these two places.  It worked out well.  We were glad to be back home. We both had a good night and today we have a full day of activity planned.  Margie will pace herself so as not to get too tired as we move through the day. Thank you for praying for Ruth and Joy and they make this trip the 15th.  We appreciate it very much.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A tour

We were given a tour of the facility where Joy will be living.  They were so nice to us.  Margie was not able to do all the walking so they go a wheelchair for her.  We received a cell phone call from Shepherds but there was a storm brewing and 60 mile an hour winds and a downpour of rain.  We had to go home and call on the land phone because the other connection was no good.  I sent Joy's birth certificate to Shepherds, per their request, so they can get Joy's ID card for air travel.  Arrival times changed and we will tell you more about that when it gets closer to the day.  Margie had a pretty good day but was tired last night went to bed.  I worked on the prayer sheet for or church prayer meeting which is tonight at First Baptist.  Thanks for praying.  These days are filled with activities concerning Joy's arrival.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mild temperatures

It's hard to believe the warm weather we are having.  During the night and right now it is 60 degrees or more outside.  The wind is blowing hard and it is raining.  What weather!  We plan to go out today and visit the place where Joy will be living.  We want to meet the kind lady who did all the work for her acceptance in their facility. Margie is feeling better so we can make this short trip to the next town. Yesterday Margie was able to clean the bathrooms.  I mopped the bathroom and kitchen floors. We are counting the days now and Joy will soon be here. Thanks, dear ones, for your prayer support.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Good start

The New Year for us is certainly a blessing.  After weeks of attempting to find a place for our daughter, we got an answer that was beyond our expectation. We can only thank the Lord for His goodness in allowing this to happen in such a way.  Margie will be having some more lab work done today.  We believe  that Joy's situation being resolved will show an improvement in her health.  The whole thing was an unbelievable pressure on her. Again, thank YOU for praying.

Monday, January 2, 2012

General Applause

During the announcements yesterday in our home church, the matter of our daughter Joy's transfer to Washington was made.  When it was mentioned she would be going to the Christian Health Care Center in Lynden, the church broke out in applause.  What marvelous support from our dear friends in the church and elsewhere have we receive during this long attempt to find a place for her.  How we appreciate each one.  Margie had one challenging moment during the night last night, when her throat was giving her some trouble.  She used up a lot of Kleenex, took some medication and finally settled down.  Thanks dear ones for praying.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


What a great day to start the new year.  We are blessed beyond measure.  Margie and I are rejoicing today because of Joy's acceptance in this wonderful place so nearby.  It will be a joy to be in church this morning to share this great blessing with some who may not have heard.  We have tried to get the word out but many still do not have the good news.  This has all made a huge difference in Margie's health already.  We are praising the Lord. Thank you all for being such a vital part of this whole process  You have prayed and God has answered.