Saturday, December 31, 2011

The End

Did you ever see a year go so fast?  Here we are at the last day of 2011.  At our home and among our many friends we are rejoicing and thanking the Lord for the wonderful way He opened a place for our daughter Joy.
Yesterday we were on the phone and via e-mail making more arrangements concerning her trip westward.  Lord willing it will all happen on January 15.  We will do some more background preparations today on this.  Margie had a good night.  We are praying that now she may improve even more because the uncertainty about Joys' placement has been solved.   Thanks for praying.  It means so much to us.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Now the details

After yesterday's amazing and wonderful news about Joy being admitted to the Christian Health Care Center, we immediately started making plans with Mrs. Ruth Bose, at Shepherds, who will bring Joy to Washington.
We must coincide this trip with her already planned trip to Washington to attend a wedding.  It is so gracious of her to do this labor of love for us. So, please pray all will fall into place as the Lord leads us regarding air passage and timing.  Joy should enter the facility here between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.   Thank you so much for praying.  This has already lifted a huge burden from Margie who was suffering untold agony over the placement of Joy. We are grateful the way the Lord is working it out.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


This morning Joy was accepted at the 
Christian Health Care Center 
in Lynden, Washington. 
Please pray as all the details are 
worked out for her transfer to here.

Don't give up

We must remind ourselves daily not to give up in this quest for finding a place for our daughter Joy.  I called almost all day to places regarding this issue and received some good suggestions where we could keep trying. Today we are to receive a call from one of the facilities.  I pray it will be positive.  In the meantime, we continue on and are so thankful for a host of you who are praying with us as we try to solve this serious problem. Margie was able to do several things around the house, especially in the kitchen.  She works a little then rests, and it seems to work out quite well so she won't overtire.  Thank you all for praying.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

More calling

Today is when I contact the different facilities where I left messages, but they didn't get back to me regarding Joy's placement.  One place instructed me to call this week and it is there where we have received the most encouragement.  We pray they will have an answer.  Thanks so much for praying for us during these days of searching.  We are praying  the New Year will definitely bring us the help we have sought and prayed for these many weeks.   Thanks for your part in this with us.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Back to the schedule

In our calling for answers to Joy's placement here in our county, Christmas time was not the best.  But we did get our most positive response just hours before the big day.  The rest of this week we will be following up on calls and phone messages left at several places. Somewhere out there, the Lord has a place designated for her.
I am sorry Margie did not have a good night.  We pray she will do better today and again tonight.  Thanks for praying for us.  We are grateful.

Monday, December 26, 2011

What now?

Perhaps the world is thinking the title of today's blog.  The excitement of Christmas should be for the believer a constant thing.  Margie & I had a nice time attending the morning service at our church.  We came home, enjoyed a simple lunch and just relaxed the rest of the day.  MANY are asking about Joy's situation.  As stated previously, we received the most promising response last week from one of the nursing homes in Bellingham. We have our "feelers" out for others also that have not answered our requests.  We deeply appreciate you who are praying about this.  Thank you very much.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

What a great day to be in church.  We look forward to this.  Yesterday was a BIG day.  We are thankful Margie was able to prepare the brunch for which she is "famous" with our family. All went well and we are thankful for our family.  And I am so pleased Margie was able to enjoy the day.  I know she pretty well "crashed" last night when all the activities were over.  As I write this she is still in bed.  Thanks for praying about Joy's situation.  This week we will be in consultation with the authorities of the local nursing home about the possibility of having Joy be there.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

First positive response

In about 6 weeks of incessant phone calls, we were rewarded by the kindness of an employer of a local nursing home.  This gentleman gave us at least some hope that perhaps there is help for our daughter Joy.  We trust this is so and keep praying and ask you all likewise to remember us as we contact them again next week for more details.  Today is our BIG day.  We traditionally have a Christmas brunch but this year it will take place on Christmas Eve (today).  The grandchildren call it the best meal of the year.   Margie, pacing herself carefully, will again, thanks to the Lord's giving her strength, turn out another of these delicious brunches.  You would have to see it and taste it to know it is so.  Thanks so much for praying.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Phone finger

The title of our blog today is the nickname given to one who uses the phone a great deal.  That was my name yesterday.  I called and called in the morning and all afternoon.  It is not easy to find a place that will house our daughter even for the preliminary assessment which has to be done in order to receive her Medicaid documents. Please continue your prayers for us during this phone campaign.  We know something will open but we must be patient.  We are most appreciative of Shepherd's kindness in extending Joy's discharge date.  But even that is coming to an end and we trust the Lord will answer in a timely fashion for us to get Joy out here and settled.
Thanks so much for praying.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


We know that businesses and others are plenty busy this time of the year. I also want to be patient with the healthcare industry because we are waiting to hear from them regarding Joy's funding and available space. We are so appreciative of Shepherd's kindness in extending her discharge date.  We feel so helpless. thank you for praying. I work on this everyday and still there is no positive response. We have been treated kindly by all agencies so there is no complain there.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Good exercise

We needed to go into town yesterday and so some necessary shopping, as we prepare to entertain our family Christmas Eve here in our home.  Margie takes her time at shopping so as not to overdo her physical strength.  Pushing the shopping cart gives her exercise and stability while in the shop.  It is pretty good.  Another benefit is her handicap parking permit which usually allows us to be some closer to the building than normally.  We are thankful for that.  No news yesterday on Joy's situation.  I will be calling today seeking more answers. Thanks for praying about these things with us.  Margie had a good night.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Still seeking

We worked the good part of yesterday making phone calls and transacting business regarding Joy's transfer to our state.  We are at least somewhat hopeful that things are going in the right direction.  The calls made yesterday where encouraging at least.  The legal aspects of finding a place are at the least complex.  We thank you for praying about this with us.  Margie had a fairly busy day yesterday and was able to do some baking.  We are thankful for the strength to do this.  Margie had another good night for which we are grateful. Our pastor friend, Dan Bong, called with encouragement and had prayer with us which was much appreciated.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Choir

What a blessing to fellowship in our church both morning and evening.  Margie felt up to attending the evening service and we were blessed by the music and its message.  The morning service was also a blessing.  So many are asking about Joy's progress and we appreciate their interest and prayers.  Margie had a good night last night.  I continue today calling about temporary places where Joy can stay while she is assessed for the Medicaid program.  Thanks for your prayers,

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Carolers

What a special treat we had last night as the Christmas Carolers of First Baptist Church of Ferndale, WA stopped by and blessed us with their delightful music.  Margie was able to go to the door, even though not feeling real well, and after singing Jim Hively had a word of prayer.  How special.  Thank you dear ones for your thoughtfulness. We are awaiting word from the home I contacted whether Joy could stay with them until receiving the assessment, a prerequisite toi being approved for Medicaid.  Please pray with us we can find such a place as soon as possible. We thank you for your prayer help.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Seeking a place for Joy

Yesterday I made the initial call to a facility to inquire about space available for Joy.  the director of the home was going to call Joy's case manager at Shepherds and speak with her.  I haven't heard from her yet.  We just keep on praying the Lord will work it all out for us in His timing.  In the meantime we are so grateful to Shepherds for the extension of time given on the discharge date. the Lord helped Margie yesterday to do her yearly baking of the Christmas rings.  That's my name for them.  They are attractive, delicious and Margie receives much joy in making them and giving them away.  We are grateful she had the strength to do this.  She had a good night's sleep so nothing negative came of her hard day.  Thanks so much for praying for her and joy's situation.

Friday, December 16, 2011


I spent a good part of the day yesterday on the application process to get Joy's Medicaid documents. The folks at NWRC (Northwest Regional Council -Aging and Disability Resources) were helpful and much appreciated.  We came up with a plan that we are trying to put in action but so far the people we phoned did not answer.  We will try again today. One very energetic and efficient Case Worker will see Joy (when she gets here) and that will facilitate the Medicaid document. Without Joy being here, we are at a standstill.  I am checking on available places now where we can bring her without wiping out our savings before Medicaid takes over.  Please help us in prayer about this.  We appreciate it very much.  We are so thankful Margie had a very good night.  It is unusual when she can give that report.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Always something to do

Isn't life wonderful! We are thankful for the measure of health given and the ability to do as little as we can. For these blessings, the Lord gets all the credit.  We owe it all to Him.  This morning I go to Bellingham and the kind lady at the Northwest Regional Council will help me fill out papers applying for Joy's Medicaid card.  She will need this when in Whatcom county because her present one in Wisconsin is not valid here. We thank you for your prayer interest in these things.  It means so much to us. We will update you as things develop with the progress on her transfer to the west coast.  Margie is doing pretty well.  She tires easily so is careful to pace her activities to compensate for this.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

More regarding Joy

The local D.D.D. spokesperson called to set up an appointment to discuss funding for Joy.  I will be doing that tomorrow.  There is plenty of paper work in this whole process and we are gradually fulfilling those things which they require.  Margie had a good night.  Yesterday for her was good also and she is trying to organize all getting ready for Christmas.  She must pace herself carefully and not get too tired. We received a lovely letter from Dr. Amstutz, president of Shepherds.  He is a busy man and we appreciated his taking time to write. Thank you all for praying.  It is much appreciated.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Yesterday was a first for us since Margie has been ill.  I was invited to give a Christmas devotional at a party at Pastor Marvin Uptain's place last night. I did have a wonderful time there and the Uptains, Marvin and Penelope are wonderful hosts.  Originally I thought Margie would be going with me.  It was soon obvious that this was going to be hard on her. I regretfully proceeded alone, not wanting to leave her this way. She kept busy doing some Christmas baking and listening to the news. She and I were mighty glad when I was back home again after the 157 mile trip was over.  Thank you for praying.  We are in the waiting mode now about Joy.

Monday, December 12, 2011

We must wait

Now that we have delivered our paper work to the right place in Bellingham, we must wait patiently for their response to the courtesy review being done of our application.  We are grateful Shepherds gave us an extension on the Joy's discharge date. It was very kind of them to do so and we appreciate it.  Yesterday our son and his son took us to a local restaurant for a delicious meal.  Margie always enjoys this very much. Although she never begrudges making meals for our family, this was a delightful change of pace for her and much appreciated. We recorded the debate previously and viewed it yesterday.  We pray much for our country and the upcoming election. We thank each of you for your faithfulness in upholding Margie and our daughter's situation in prayer.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Coffee time

For some reason, our family likes the way I make lattes. When our son and his family are here, I always get an "order" for them.  They are fun to make and I am honored because they would rather have mine than the ones Starbucks sells.  Maybe the price is right with me and that's the reason.  Yesterday Margie prepared lunch for our son and grandson.  They were here working on the homestead place.  People are asking about Joy's situation.  We are presently waiting the local Division of Developmental Disabilities to give an answer to their courtesy review of our application.  Thank you for praying about this and Margie's health.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


We are in the "holding pattern" as we now wait for word from the local division regarding Joy's chances of being accepted as a client in one of the facilities here.  We are praying and MANY more join us in asking for God's direction. We appreciate all who are helping us.  Margie is planning ahead so she will be able to do some baking for Christmas.  She has to pace herself carefully, and she does, so that can happen.  I received more coaching on my business blog and invite you to peruse it and click on items of interest there to help me. Your "clicks" and or purchases, give me a small percentage of a rebate which is deeply appreciated.  The address is: and please check it out.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Not ready

Unfortunately we are not ready for Joy's original discharge date of Dec 9.  We are thankful Shepherds gave us an extension.  Today we received wonderful help from Bruce B. whose work is to help we who need assistance and guidance on placement of our daughter Joy.  He walked us through the options and will help us by contacting our local department to facilitate things for us.  We are so appreciative of his kind help and that of pastor Dan Bong in Wenatchee who requested his help for us. Thank you for praying.  We hope we can be patient as the Lord put the pieces of this puzzle together.  We were thrilled when our dear friend Ruth B. from Shepherds agreed to bring Joy to Washington when the time comes.  This is a great answer to prayer.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Waiting period

Yesterday I turned in the questionnaire regarding our daughter Joy's application for consideration by the Division of Developmental Disabilities, a part of the DSHS of Washington.  Now we pray the Lord's direction in this and must leave it with Him. We thank the host of folks who are praying about it and Shepherds for their patience in extending Joy's discharge time.  Originally it was scheduled for Dec. 9.  Yesterday we had quite a bit to do in Bellingham including turning the paperwork into the above mentioned department. Margie is still asleep as I write this but except for the delayed time she had in getting to sleep, I believe she did okay the rest of the night.  Thanks for your continued prayers about Joy's situation. Your support means so much to us.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Going well

Our application for Joy went well yesterday.  I received the packet from the Division of Developmental Disabilities and spent the day working on it.   Maybe today I can return it for their courtesy review.  Margie was able to go with the ladies of our church to our friend's home for the missionary meeting.  She did well and enjoyed it very much.  She doesn't go far without me so it was nice she could be with the ladies for that meeting. We thank you for your prayers for us as we seek to get Joy placed here in our county.  We realize there may be a waiting list for this and we will need much wisdom to know what to do in the interim.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

On our own

Being unfamiliar with the process of getting Joy established here, I plunged into the system and with the help of pastor Dan Bong of Wenatchee, started yesterday.  It is a learning time for us.  I go to Bellingham at 8 this morning to pick up application papers.  I appreciate prayer as I complete and submit them today. Yesterday I spent time on my blog related to our home business.  We invite you to look it over also at and we are told that clicking on the business ads, we will get credit for it.  I hope it is so. Margie is still asleep as I write this but all indications are that she had a good night.  We pray she did.  Thanks for praying for us as we transition Joy to the west coast.  This will be an undertaking involving wise decisions and we want to do it God's way.

Monday, December 5, 2011

No call yet

We have not yet received any communication from the individual who is knowledgeable about the legal aspects of Joy's transfer to another facility. Perhaps today that will happen.  In the meantime, I will be contacting the local chapters of the equivalent organization in Wisconsin that informed me last week of our issue with Joy.  Please continue to pray as I pursue answers to complex questions regarding her transfer to the west. It was nice to have our family here over the weekend.  We were able to celebrate our son's birthday at a local restaurant, along with his family.  We had a great time and we were so glad Margie could be with us for the occasion. And I am happy that Margie just informed me she one of the best sleeps in many nights.  We are thankful.
We invite you to check out our Brazil blog - our new adventure in home business. Please investigate the site.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Our son and his family are here and we set up the Christmas tree and Monique our granddaughter started decorating it.  It is just too much for Margie to do and we are delighted to have Monique do it.  She does it with the greatest of ease and is good at it.  Margie finally got to sleep last night but then did well after that.  We contacted our pastor friend in Wenatchee, Dan Bong, who helped us more with Internet addresses to check for help on Joy's transfer to Washington and placement here.  We are totally dependent on the Lord to guide in this momentous decision.  We rest in Him and are confident it will work out okay.  Thanks so much for praying about these things.  We could not do it alone.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Narrowing the gap

A phone call yesterday helped us narrow the gap concerning Joy's future placement in a facility.  We were told by the agency in Wisconsin that deals with such matters that because I am Joy's guardian, and live in Washington, Joy situation falls into a different category. That means she will not be funded there.  So now we rest in the Lord and depend on Him, like we always have, to help us bring a solution to this.  We are awaiting this weekend an important call from the friend of pastor Bong. Perhaps the Lord will use him to give us some advice on what to do.  And we thank each of you for your prayer support through this.  Margie did not have a terrific night but after finally getting to sleep did pretty well.  This morning she had loads of trouble fighting off a near choking spell.

Friday, December 2, 2011

More leads

With the fast approaching deadline, more leads are coming in to us.  People have been SO good to pray and offer suggestions regarding Joy's placement in a different facility.  Pastor Dan Bong in E. Washington, called and asked if his friend could contact us regarding our situation.  Sometime this weekend we will receive a call from this gentleman who is very knowledgeable the protocol issues of care for the aging and disabled.  We are grateful for his interest and look forward to the call.  Margie had a good night.  Yesterday was laundry time and she & I worked on that.   Please continue to pray for our very critical decision regarding Joy.  We appreciate it greatly.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

More phone calls

We made more calls yesterday morning on matters concerning our daughter Joy.  The places I called advised us they had no beds available.  One kind lady gave me some information which may be helpful. I called the A.D.R.C (Aging & Disability Resource Center of Racine County, Wisconsin.  They were very kind and arranged an interview with us for Monday morning.   We are praying they will give help to us in knowing best how to negotiate Joy's transfer to another facility. We are aware of the time factor and want to get this matter cared for as soon as possible.  Margie had another important appointment with her eye specialist concerning her macular degeneration.  Then she had physical therapy.  The therapist was pleases with progress made in her home therapy sessions and that her left foot and leg were getting stronger.  Having an inoperable knee condition makes rising from a seated position extremely difficult.  Thank you kindly for praying about these things.