Monday, January 31, 2011
A great day
We are so thankful to have a home church where we can fellowship. We are also thankful we can help when needed. I was asked to preach the two Sundays our pastor is recovering from partial knee replacement surgery. I always enjoy doing this . Our son, Rawlie, attended church with us and then treated us to a delicious meal at the Greek restaurant in Ferndale. From there he returned to Stanwood and we went to our home. We listened and viewed our favorite recorded Sunday programs. Today, Monday, we will be going into Bellingham for some needed shopping. It is cold here but not like many places around the country. We are so glad Margie slept well last night.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
We don't take them for granted.
Yesterday was very special to us. Our family visited us and throughout the day we had each one of Rawlie's family to spend some time with. Gina had to get back to her home after a nice time with us in the morning. Rawlie came in the afternoon with our other two grandchildren, Benny and Nathan. Rawlie will attend church this morning. As a faithful "fan" he will come to hear me preach. I am honored. Margie and I had a good night and we look forward to ministry in our home church. We always enjoy it. Rawlie even invited us for lunch at a local restaurant. Margie and I look forward to this as well.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Nice surprises
This morning as I started the computer I saw Al Pick's Skype flag come up. I called and he was in the office preparing to leave for a ministry trip in Illinois. He was taking Saul Courtney, resident, with him. Saul's 40th birthday is today. He is a man of God and greatly used on these trips as he ministers in the churches. Then after that call, our daughter-in-law, Gina called from her folks' homestead here in Ferndale that she and the kids will be dropping by in a few minutes for a quick visit before they go on home to Stanwood. Then this afternoon Rawlie will arrive, we think to care for some duties here in Ferndale. So we are blessed to see our family again. Yesterday Margie did all the work of washing, drying, folding, and ironing the clothes. We are thankful she is feeling stronger to do some of these things. I would have been happy to do them but she really wants to help, especially in that I am preaching tomorrow and was studying. She did well and had a good night's sleep. We are thankful to the Lord.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Margie goes through our journal each year, gathering information of our goings on to write a yearly newsletter. She completed that yesterday and now we will get it in the proper format, with a picture to send out on e-mail. What a blessing it is to have and use e-mail. I have it set up so Margie can type personal notes also at the end of the form letter. Margie had a good night for which we are grateful. Today she will visit the hair dresser for a half hour session. We hear our son is coming tomorrow so that will be nice. Our daughter in law is coming today but is very pressed for time so we may not get to see her. She is a busy person with all the legal matters after her parent's death. As I told you, I will be preaching in our church Sunday morning and next also. I am looking forward to that. Our pastor had partial knee replacement yesterday and he asked me to preach for him the next two Sundays.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Doing more
I was busy studying for future messages and I heard a sound in the hallway. It was Margie moving things out of the bathrooms. She cleaned them thoroughly and I did the floors because that's more than she can handle right now. It is quite amazing she had the strength to do this. I felt I should be doing it but Margie insisted on doing the cleaning. She did well and suffered no negative consequences from it. We are grateful. We visited a dear couple yesterday and had such a good time. We are glad Margie is able to get out now and then for this ministry which we both enjoy so much. Today is afternoon prayer meeting and we look forward to that always.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Yes, we are grateful for a good rest last night. We try not to take these things for granted. Today we will make a visit if Margie is up to it, and I will continue my studies for the next two messages at our church. It is great to be back in the study mode again preparing for messages. Margie was able to get quite a bit done yesterday, especially preparing some gluten free things. We are so happy she has found good recipes and can now do some of these things that she was deprived of so long due to extreme weakness. When I am better prepared for my messages, I will then return to the the job searching mode and see what we can find. Thanks so much for praying.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Now and then
Now and then Margie does not have a good night. Last night was one of them. We are sorry. She is just grateful for the nights she can sleep well. I have been asked to preach Sunday (and the next one) so will be doing some more preparatory work for those today. I am honored to be asked to do this. And I do enjoy preaching. I preached my first message when I was 19. I am 79 (for a few days) so I've been preaching for over 60 years. We are still pursuing at home work and don't have an idea what the Lord has for us. We just keep looking, praying and waiting. Thanks for praying.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Necessary trip
We must go into town this morning to do a few things. We try to get their earlier so we can be back home most of the day. We had such a good time at church yesterday. It is always a joy to fellowship with the folks and listen to a good message from the Word. We trust your experience at church was also a blessing. We spent the afternoon reading, checking mail, listening to prerecorded messages and programs. As I write this, Margie is still not up. It is good for her to get plenty of rest as she regains her strength. I am still aggressively pursuing at home opportunities for employment. It's a never ending task, it seems, but worth it. I will be preaching the next two Sunday at our church. Will you please pray as I prepare? Thank you.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
This is the day
We look forward to this day all week. Margie did not have a real good night and we are sorry about that. She hopes to do better tonight. We talked to our son and daughter-in-law last and thankfully they are all over the flu bug that hit them last week. I continued on in my pursuit of at home work. I actually received an email from the company that told me yesterday they had no openings for work at the time. This email stated there had been an "issue" in my assessment testing and I was give the opportunity to repeat it. I will have to think that one over. It was long, very arduous and intense. I actually enjoyed it but obviously would have have to hone my skills, reflexes and all if that were to be my work at home. One thing for sure we know it is a reputable outfit. I still have several other options on the table and will be working on them in the days to come. Thanks for remembering us in this matter and Margie's general well being. We appreciate it.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Bright new day
For many days it has been dark and rainy each day. This morning it is bright and the sun is shining into our family room which helps tremendously on the heating bill. We appreciate it. Margie is still sleeping as I write these words so I really don't know what kind of a night she had. I hope it was good. Later on I'll probably put a P.S. on this to indicate if she slept OK. I finished my Online "university" course for an at home job but upon completion I was told there were no openings at the present and that I could check in later to see. I wonder if that was a polite way of communicating to me that I didn't pass the requirements. There was a place to ask questions and comments and I did just that, wondering if I had indeed made the grade test wise on their material. It was pretty intense and I am impressed that it was not a fly by night deal. It is a reputable organization and that was obvious. Well so much for that. Now today I must continue my search for something. Please pray I will find it. Oh, Margie has made her appearance. She had a good night for which we are thankful.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Online study
In our pursuit of at home work, many opportunities are available. But as I have previously stated, we have to have divine wisdom to differentiate between the legitimate and the scams. I am presently spending several hours Online going through a course to see if I qualify for the spot. I rather doubt it but at least this outfit is legitimate. Thank you for praying about this. Margie had a good night and we are thankful for that. Her choking spells continue at undetermined times and we pray someday she'll be free from them. Our weather is WET, but at least it's not SNOW. It's hard to believe that Friday is here. How time flies.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
2 PM
Yes, 2 PM each Thursday is prayer meeting at church. We look forward to this time to bring the requests to the group that meets for prayer. I prepare a half sheet of paper with a prayer verse for the day, and ask 4 or five questions or make observations about the verse. Then I write a very small poem to correspond with the teaching of the verse. I have just adopted this method also for our web page. We are off to a pretty good start today. We each had good rest. Yesterday Margie experimented with another recipe for blueberry muffins.She tries different gluten free recipes because she has been tested and is allergic to that ingredient. We trust you all have a very good day.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Visiting is such a rewarding service. Margie has not been able to do this very much for a long time. Yesterday, however, she felt better and we visited a dear couple from our church who are in a special facility. What joy to visit, and pray with them. Margie had another good night. You see, for years, she hardly slept so we are blessed to hear her say she had a good night.Yesterday I continued my search for employment. I am understanding more and more that in reality I'm not qualified for many services. And our dear friends have been so helpful and kind in suggesting things and we appreciate them all. The kinds of employment that do not require an initial outlay of money to begin with, are few and far between. But they do exist and today I will be going through an online course, to determine if there is anything in this particular company I can do. After they course they will know and tell me. So, thanks for your prayers for us. We appreciate it so much.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Shopping trip
Often on Mondays we go into town, if Margie is able, to do some shopping. If she is not I go alone, but I don't do it often because I don't want to leave her alone here at home. We had to drive from Bellingham to Lynden because that's the only place where a Safeway store is. Safeway has several grocery items for the those on a gluten free diet. We were glad to get a supply of things there and return home. We even stopped at Milt's Pizza for a special item for Margie that is gluten free. What a break. We had lunch there. It was good to get home. Several kind people have suggested at home opportunities and I am pursuing them all. We haven't decided yet what to do. I was actually looking for a company where I could just be the employee, but most of them want us to start our own division of the particular company. So this leaves us a bit confused at this point to know what to do. Thanks so much for praying. We appreciate it greatly.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Keeping on
Yes, we just keep on keeping on. Life is NOT boring. As the years roll on, it takes us longer to do our normal chores, so therefore we are busier than we were in former days. Isn't it amazing how it works! We thoroughly enjoyed our day yesterday at church. At home on Sunday our meals are always very SIMPLE. We pre-record Christian programs and enjoy them in the afternoon. We also listen to the Old Fashion Revival Hour. The music is fantastic and we are particularly impressed by Rudy Atwood's piano playing. It is even more interesting in that we have heard him play many times in the church where he attended in California. As students we would go to that church and listen and watch that gifted man. Of course Charles Fuller is a wonderful, humble preacher of the word and "he being dead still speaks". The marvel of electronics and radio. We appreciate you who are writing us suggestions regarding possibilities for at-home-employment. We are pursuing those now. We deeply appreciate your kindness and prayer for us, especially Margie, as she regains her strength.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
What joy!
What joy we have in looking forward to attending church today. We hope you do to. To fellowship with the saints, sing, pray and study God's Word is such a privilege. For many months we were deprived of public worship due to Margie's illness. But our house was our sanctuary and we made the most of it. Yesterday was filled with plenty of activity around here. Margie kept busy and I did too. I worked the entire day trying to find a satisfactory way to save greeting cards in a format that could be opened by any email program. What I discovered is that the very popular PDF format is not that accurate and when printed the alignment was "off". So for the time being I have laid aside that notion this could be done from our home satisfactorily. I will pursue something else and if YOU or someone has a brainstorm on this email attachment problem, I will be delighted. thanks for praying about this and especially for Margie as she gains her strength.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
One step at a time
In this new adventure of seeking at home employment, we realize it is a slow process. I have poured over dozens of web sites, received countless emails and phone calls trying to determine which avenue to take. It is a bit confusing given the extreme number of scams that exist in this field of interest. It is amazing. Even though electronic greeting card websites abound, I am toying with the idea of making personalized ones that can be sent hard copy by us to the recipients or an email attachment which they can print and fold themselves. They would be more personal as I can write poetry for the cards according to the wish of the purchaser. These are all just ideas but I am working mostly on the technique of getting the cards in a marketable format so we can display them on our website. We are extremely GREEN at all this and all suggestions are welcome. Now about Margie: She did a lot of work yesterday around the house and had a good night's rest. We are thankful.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Still seeking
We are still seeking, praying and experimenting with several options regarding work at home. As I have said many times we cannot do it alone. We need the direction from the Lord. We are encouraged but still haven't "landed" on the final product. Margie did well last night. In fact I think we both over slept (whatever that means), Yesterday we were delighted that Margie's special allergy drops arrived. I had to call the doctor's office and get a "rush order" on them because they had failed to send them when she called two week ago. Already she is feeling better with this medication. Today we go to the rheumatologist to check the adjustment on her medication. So, as usual it will be an eventful day and we look forward to it and all that it holds for us. Thanks for praying. We appreciate it.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
New Look
A new look. Not us, but our web page. I redesigned it and hopefully am getting it ready for new things that are coming. I will be taking Margie to the hair dresser this morning. That's only a 20 minute appointment. This afternoon we have prayer meeting. All the snow of two nights ago, has almost melted and things are back to normal. Margie had a good night for which we are thankful. We were able to Skype my brother Harold yesterday and it's always nice to chat with him that way. And the price is right.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Chores before the storm
The weatherman said snow was coming. He was right. So yesterday I had several important matters to care for in Ferndale while the roads were still in good shape. Yes, last night the snow came. Maybe 6 inches fell. If I want to get out of the driveway, at this point, I will have to shovel the snow. But I hope we can just stay home. Margie's night was not the best. Even I don't "brag" about mine either. But today all's well and we are busy doing our daily duties. About my at home work: I am seriously thinking of marketing my homemade cards (for all occasions) on the Internet. It will take a lot of logistics but it may be worth a try. Please pray and we thank you for your faithfulness.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
We are sure you noted the numerical sequence of today's date. In other countries it reads like this: 11-1-11. In some countries people get married on these special numerically interesting days. Well I guess for us it is just another day but we must remember it too is a gift from God. I plan to do banking, post office and some other errands because tonight about commute time they forecast 6 inches of snow. I'd rather be home when that happens. Margie's night was sort of restless but she made it OK. I am still in the investigating mode, looking for Online at home employment possibilities. Believe me, they are endless and we discover that perhaps 46 percent are scam. Only the Lord can unravel that mess for us as we seek to find something that will help with the medical expenses. We're not looking at the "get rich" schemes, for they do not fit our category of desires. Thanks for praying.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Snow ahead
The weather man says there's snow coming. If he's correct, we better get into town for some necessary items before the roads are dangerous. We hear that the school schedule is already changed and there are several cancellations in Bellingham. Right now, there is no snow here but Bellingham had 3 inches yesterday.Margie and I had good nights last night. This afternoon I have that phone interview for a job possibility. As I write, I am thinking it won't pan out the way I had expected. And that's OK. I want the Lord's will in the job choice, not mine. We are thankful we were able to be in church yesterday. Thanks for praying for these things. We appreciate it.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Slick roads
It snowed during the night and even though there is little snow, the roads are dangerous. We will have to assess the situation to determine if we are going to be able to drive down our hill to church. Yesterday's memorial service for John Harder went well. Many commented on it. The gospel was presented and we pray for results.
Margie was able to attend and stay for the fellowship time. Have you noticed how many friends you get to see and visit with at a funeral? It is wonderful. Please pray for my telephone interview tomorrow with another company relative to Internet at-home employment. Surely the Lord will show us the right one and make it very plane to us if it's His will or not. We are praying and thank you for your intercession.
Margie was able to attend and stay for the fellowship time. Have you noticed how many friends you get to see and visit with at a funeral? It is wonderful. Please pray for my telephone interview tomorrow with another company relative to Internet at-home employment. Surely the Lord will show us the right one and make it very plane to us if it's His will or not. We are praying and thank you for your intercession.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
John Harder memorial service
This afternoon at 2 the service will be held at 1st Baptist in Ferndale. We are all prepared for it and our son arrives this morning to help with further details. Margie had a good night. I cannot brag about mine but this is rare for me to have a "bad" night. Margie was able to do a LOT yesterday and we were amazed at her determination to keep at it and get the chores done. I wanted to do it but she insisted on doing as much as she could. We praise the Lord how she paced herself and was able to do these things. I folded the memorial folders in the morning and tweaked my part of the service (which will be on Power Point) and we are pretty well set for the event this afternoon. Many of you have prayed for Rawlie and Giina during these days and we appreciate it greatly.
Friday, January 7, 2011
No time to waste
I often wondered what retirees do to fill their days. I have only been on that list for a few days but our days are filled, that's for sure. Yesterday we went to the afternoon prayer meeting at church. Margie worked getting our meals fixed, I did quite a bit of printing on both printers for the John Harder memorial service. I also designed a Power Point presentation for the message during the memorial service. As you know all these things take time and are part of the "retirees" schedule. Margie did not have a real good night but finally did get some sleep for which we are thankful. Today is very windy and rainy. Snow is predicted for tonight.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Prayer meeting
Today we will be going to the afternoon prayer meeting at our church. We always look forward to this. If Margie's health permits we like to also go to the one on Wednesday night at the church. Yesrterday I spent a good part of the day on behind the scenes preparation for the John Harder memorial service which is in our church this Saturday ( Jan 8) at 2 PM. Our son Rawlie also had some important matters to tend to so brought his office ( Laptop computer ) and worked from our home all day using our router to connect him to the Internet. He said it was just as fast as the one at his office in Everett. I guess we can thank Comcast for that. Margie was able to do many of the normal duties around the house, for which we are grateful. Believe it or not we are still in negotiations with the insurance company regarding the Cancellation Insurance for our flight to Wisconsin, Even with insurance it is a hassle and 3 times they have stated they are in communication with Margie's doctor about the claim. The airlines deducted $150.00 dollars from the amount the moment I cancelled the flight. And so it goes. Thank you one and all for your faithful intercession for the Poulsons. We appreciate it greatly
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Job search
I am eliminating some opportunities in my search for at home jobs. It takes the wisdom of Solomon to know which one to actually choose. We thank each one who is praying about this with us. I have a couple more in the works, looking them over, trying to determine which is best for us. Margie was able to attend the Ladies Missionary meeting at our church yesterday. She didn't feel up to driving there so I took her and picked her up later. Our son arrived in time for supper. He received permission to work from our home, using the company's laptop, instead of commuting all the way to Everett, WA. He is here to help with arrangements for his father-in-law's memorial service to be held this Saturday afternoon at 2. I spent the evening scanning photos of John Harder and his family that we will use at the memorial service. I put them on Power Point and we will have a musical accompaniment with them of one of the family's favorite songs. I also completed the memorial program folder which each guest will receive at the service. I have yet to print and fold them. So I guess we are on schedule for things. There's never a dull moment. We are glad. Thanks for praying.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Busy days
Our son and daughter-in-law have been very busy getting the memorial service for her dad organized. I will officiate but MANY will be helping in definite ways to make the day a blessing. My part will be getting the folder designed and printed and the Power Point segments completed. Rawlie will be bringing photos today so we can get that project started. Margie and I were able to get into town yesterday to get some necessary things done. In the evening I had an interview for an at home job. I am presently tapped into a conference call (listening only) with the same company. Tonight I will have another. I should have an "answer" soon relative to our going with or rejecting this opportunity. Thank each of you for praying for us and these matters.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Getting started
Today the New Year really gets started it seems. Most things are back to normal schedule. We will be going into town to get some essential shopping done. We don't plan on a long time because Margie paces herself carefully so as not to get overtired. Rawlie and Gina meet with the funeral director this morning to make final arrangements for the service which is to be Saturday at 2 PM at our church in Ferndale for her father, John Harder. Yesterday we were all in church together and that was nice. We had pizza for lunch provided by Rawlie and his family. Tonight I have an interview with a company to determine if I qualify to do some at home work for our future employment. Thanks for praying for us.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Second day
Wow- it's the second day of the New Year. We pray it has started off good for you. Our son and his family will be in church with us today. That's always nice. Rawlie and Gina will be talking to different ones also about the memorial service for John Harder, Gina's dad which will be next Saturday afternoon at 2 PM in our church.
Last evening Rawlie and Gina and Monique were with us for supper. We had a nice time and spent the evening discussing the program for the memorial service. Margie was able to do quite a bit of the preparation for the meal. In the morning she ironed and made her customary phone calls. As you may have noticed, we have closed out the Shepherds theme on our web pages. We have links to their web sites. It was rather nostalgic to publish the final page of our 11 years with Shepherds. We trust you keep them in your prayers and support. And thanks for praying for Margie and me as now we seek an at-home-job of some kind. I have an interview tomorrow night with a company.
Last evening Rawlie and Gina and Monique were with us for supper. We had a nice time and spent the evening discussing the program for the memorial service. Margie was able to do quite a bit of the preparation for the meal. In the morning she ironed and made her customary phone calls. As you may have noticed, we have closed out the Shepherds theme on our web pages. We have links to their web sites. It was rather nostalgic to publish the final page of our 11 years with Shepherds. We trust you keep them in your prayers and support. And thanks for praying for Margie and me as now we seek an at-home-job of some kind. I have an interview tomorrow night with a company.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Here we are 2011. We wonder what you have in store for us. We wonder what we will be doing in the days you give us. We are now seeking at home job opportunities by searching the Internet daily for possibilities. We need discernment to know which one to "land" on. We have an interview with one organization Monday evening. We are glad the Lord is in charge of this and we depend on Him for correct answers. Our son came yesterday and his family arrives today. They are here to work on more details related to the memorial service next Saturday for John Harder who died this week. Margie & I attended yesterday the memorial service for Lawrence Pollock, a long time friend and church planter and missionary. It was a great service honoring the Lord.
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