Thursday, September 30, 2010
A printer ":glitch"
Our son gave us a very good HP printer several years ago. This week an envelope got stuck in it while trying to print an address. In removing it, I tipped the printer and when I uprighted it, to my dismay, the desktop had massive amounts of black ink spilled on it. I think this Saturday will be "fix the printer day". I hope I can get it going. I have a newer one but it is reserved for high end printing of documents and photos. I am even going to drop into Goodwill and see if an old one is on sale for a price (they usually are). Now to another subject or two. I had good attention last night at AWANA. I put together a small Power Point and told the story of Evandro Baptista, I had the privilege of leading him to the Lord when he was 8 yrs. old. He is now a missionary in Portugal. This afternoon we meet at the church for afternoon prayer meeting. We are encouraged with the attendance. Oh, by the way: Margie had a wonderful night. We rejoice in this.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Fantastic weather
We are amazed at how moderate the temperatures have been here in the northwest. They forecast 71 degrees this afternoon. As reported yesterday Margie had her consultation regarding a tooth she has decided to have extracted instead of a root canal. Those few minutes in the dentist's office were costly but that's the way it is, even with insurance. She will have this procedure done Oct. 19. Today I am preparing for my talk tonight at AWANA in our church. We will also attend the evening prayer meeting in our church. Margie had a good night, but she said she felt like sleeping more this morning. Maybe it was because of a visit we made last night and got home a little later. My early morning mile walk this morning was a bit cooler than other days, but as I said, it will be much warmer this afternoon. As always, we appreciate your prayers.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Outline or details?
When one blogs, you almost have to give an outline or details of what's going on. Often I give an OUTLINE of what we are going to do today. The next day I give the DETAILS of what we did yesterday Yesterday I conducted the graveside service for our dear friend Lucille Shelton then went to our church for the fellowship time with the family and friends. It was very nice. It is one of the few times people get together in this manner. Many times I have been told by the family of the deceased, that it would perhaps be the last time such a reunion would take place. So fellowship times are very important for the family. Today Margie has a consultation with an orthodontist regarding a tooth she has decided to have extracted rather than the root canal procedure. Tomorrow we will give DETAILS.
Monday, September 27, 2010
A look at yesterday
We had a great time in our home church. Our pastor was feeling much better and able to be back in the pulpit.
After the service our good friend, Armond Daws, invited us to join him for lunch. He drove us about 15 miles to beautiful Chuckanut Manor restaurant overlooking the sound. We had a great time and wonderful meal. He drove home taking the scenic route which was delightful. Today I am officiating at a grave side service for a dear friend Lucille Shelton, long time member of our church who died Sept. 18. That will take most of the afternoon as there is a fellowship time at the church after the service. I am so glad Margie is able to accompany me for this service. Thanks so much for your prayers,
After the service our good friend, Armond Daws, invited us to join him for lunch. He drove us about 15 miles to beautiful Chuckanut Manor restaurant overlooking the sound. We had a great time and wonderful meal. He drove home taking the scenic route which was delightful. Today I am officiating at a grave side service for a dear friend Lucille Shelton, long time member of our church who died Sept. 18. That will take most of the afternoon as there is a fellowship time at the church after the service. I am so glad Margie is able to accompany me for this service. Thanks so much for your prayers,
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Mild Weather
Last night I glanced at the indoor/outdoor thermometer and outside it was 65 and inside 70. That's amazing for this time of the year. And these were 9:30 PM readings. It is raining and yesterday the strong winds bringing in the warmer front, were noisy. We leave in a couple of hours for church. We are so grateful Margie can attend the services. For months she was not well enough to do this. We can only rejoice in answered prayer for her and we certainly do thank you for the support.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The blessing of rest
Margie told me this morning she had such a good night. For years she hardly ever had a decent night's rest. We are grateful for the help she has received and the daily strength manifested in her ability to do more. YOU who have prayed so faithfully for us, we appreciate it greatly. THANK YOU !
Friday, September 24, 2010
Have you noticed how many things are geared to the calendar? Today is recycle day on the Poulson's street. Yesterday was afternoon prayer time at First Baptist. Today is beauty shop day for Margie to get her hair set. She does not have the muscle strength to roll it like she has done before. This afternoon I pick up some medication for Margie at Walgreens. What would we do without a day timer, journal or weekly planner. On my early morning walk I took pictures of beautiful Mt. Baker during sunrise. What a site that was. I hope to post those pictures Monday morning, which is my date on the calendar for that task. Thank you for putting us in your calendar and remembering us in prayer. It means so much to us.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Unplanned chore
Yesterday it was a bright sunny day. These are coming to an end, we believe, so I knew I had to get the lawn mowed and trimmed before the rains come. I had other things to do but now I can focus on these "other things" for a week or so (while the grass grows again). And old farmer told me that while the temperature is at least 52 degrees F., the grass grows. He is right for we have experienced this over and over again. Today is our daytime prayer meeting and the 4th time we will be meeting. We are thankful for increased attendance and always wonder how many will assemble to pray. Thankfully Margie had another good night. We are amazed how long she must use eye drops in her newly operated eye. It's probably because the doctor is trying to deter the effects of macular degeneration. We are thankful for his care.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Fall weather
Fall is just around the corner (tonight). Today is a clear, bright day and the temperature will probably be 65 degrees. The sun is shining brightly. In my mile walk this morning, it was COLD. Gloves felt good and even ear muffs. Margie hopes to start this walk also. She's not quite ready yet but is getting closer. We are grateful for each night's rest Margie is able to get. Last night she did well. Thanks for praying.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Margie's appointments yesterday.
Her bone density test was very quick, only taking about 10 minutes. We had a hospital visit to make and a lot of other business matters to tend to while in the neighboring town of Bellingham,Washington. In the afternoon she had her final eye check then tested for lenses for both newly operated eyes. She was mighty glad to get that taken care of and we also ordered her new glasses. She used the same frames but that means she can't read at all without the lenses. SO, I gave her a pair of my old glasses and believe it or not she is able to read. She is very happy because it will take two weeks for delivery on her new ones. Today things are calmer around here and we are glad.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day of tests
Margie's personal doctor has ordered a bone density test this morning. After that she has her last check up after cataract surgery and hopefully the test for new lenses. This all is time consuming. I will do Shepherds work when we return home. Yesterday was a blessing to be able to preach in our home church. We are concerned about our pastor who has walking pneumonia. Please pray for him. And we thank you for your many prayers for us as Margie comes through this long journey to recovery. We appreciate it greatly.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Church fellowship
As I have mentioned before, we missed many months of church attendance because of Margie's illness. The day we were able to step back into our church was a blessed one indeed. I told you yesterday, our pastor is not well and asked me to preach today. I am honored to do so and am happy we are here at this time to be able to help out in our home church that has done so much for us throughout our long history with them. First as missionaries, then as pastor and for eleven years now they have supported us in our ministry with Shepherds. Today is a very rainy day (rather unusual this year around Washington) but it doesn't stop people from attending the services. We are used to it. Thank you for remembering Margie. She had a good night.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Preparation for Sunday
Our pastor called yesterday after returning from a week's meetings for pastors and their wives. He was in charge of this week and was not feeling well when he left last Sunday afternoon. He asked if I could preach this Sunday for him as his health was not too good. I am happy to be able to help him. So I would appreciate prayer from those who read this as I prepare for that Sunday morning message. Preaching is always a joyous opportunity.
And we are grateful Margie had a good night. Monday will be special for her as she doubtless will be tested for new lenses for her two newly operated eyes. Thanks so much for praying.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Youth garage sale
I have already taken two or three loads to the church during these past couple of weeks and today will take at least one more. Our youth are promoting this and it is a good way for us to get involved. We could have our own garage sale, but letting the young people do it is far easier. Margie is looking forward to Monday when she sees her eye doctor and hopefully will be tested for new lenses. The two cataract surgeries and subsequent myriads of eye drops before and after surgery have been an ordeal. It will be delightful when it is all history. More about this on Tuesday's blog. Thanks for praying for Margie's long journey to recovery. We appreciate it deeply.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
God's amazing providence
We received an email (in Portuguese) in the "junk mail" box asking us to see the video showing the downed airplane in Venezuela and the 15 survivors. Because I did not know the one who wrote this to me, and because an email address was given, I responded, in Portuguese, to the writer asking him to identify himself so I would know who was sending this email. Here is where the story gets GOOD. A few hours later I received a long emotional reply from Pastor Marco in S. Brazil, who assured me he DID NOT send the email. Someone had hacked his email addresses and sent out this notice. The rest of this story is amazing. In my letter to pastor Marcos, I had given a little of our history. He replied that I had been his pastor in the Berean Baptist Church in Natal,Brazil for 4 years. He and his sister Marta were there. Our son Rawlie and he were pals during those years. What a story. We praise the Lord for His providential ways to bring us these blessings we were unaware of. We will be in contact with Pastor Marcos who is a Baptist minister. We hope you enjoy this choice tidbit of God's workings.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A providential discovery
Yesterday as the dental specialist was completing Margie's root canal, a customary X-ray was taken to determine if all was well. WELL- in that X-ray, appeared a pocket of infection in the adjoining tooth. This had not been detected before. Now Margie must return for the 2nd root canal in another tooth. Who knows, maybe some of her ill health has been caused by this unknown factor. We can only rejoice it was discovered in such an amazing way. We rejoice in the way God leads day by day, even in unusual ways. This makes it all the more interesting. Thank you for praying.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Root canal
Margie goes this morning to have the dentist complete the root canal started before her cataract surgery. It had to suspended until she was stabilized after that. She said she'll be mighty glad when all this is HISTORY. I don't blame her. I will have my laptop and will do Shepherds work while her root canal is being finished. On my early morning mile walk today it was very foggy. I carried a flashlight in case I needed to let motorists know I was crossing the street. It is supposed to be in the 70's today. It's amazing. We have had a LONG summer and we are glad.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Taking nothing for granted
This has been our motto for a long time: We take nothing for granted and every day is a gift from the Lord. Through Margie's illness this has been such a comfort to us. Our day belongs to Him. We follow as He directs. Is there any better way? NO ! Margie slept well last night. For years we could not report this. The Lord has certainly worked on her behalf and we rejoice. Thank you for being part of her journey through prayer. We appreciate it.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Fellowship with the Lord and His people
Margie and I were not able to attend church for many months. It was a first for us so we had to learn to adjust for this change in our lives. NOW we are so happy Margie is able to attend and we look forward with great anticipation. Yesterday Margie did her accustomed ministry of phoning to friends both far and near giving them encouragement. This is a ministry she had done for many years and we are thankful she is able to do this. It's raining in Ferndale now. This is rather unusual especially in this very dry summer we have experienced.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
World Trade Center
The whole world is talking about the Twin Towers today. We all relive that dreadful scene. We are happy we have hope beyond the brick, cement and steel of buildings. We pray that thousands or millions of people have been touched spiritually through this horrific ordeal. What a wonderful day to declare our allegiance to America. We desperately need to pray for it and all who direct this great land. Margie and I praise the Lord for His leading and we trust Him for His help for our land. We rejoice in Margie's daily improvement and thank you for your prayer support during her long illness. We appreciate you.
Friday, September 10, 2010
We are thankful Margie slept well last night. We are grateful for her improvement each day. She will be able to drive herself down the hill where we live, to Ferndale, just 1.5 miles away. We had the second day time prayer meeting at our church yesterday. We were encouraged with the attendance. Margie is looking forward to the day when she can again start walking in the morning. I am sorry she can't accompany me each morning on the mile walk. In our neighborhood there are "up and down" grades and half of our mile walk is uphill. She just can't do that yet. But at the rate she is improving, I don't believe it will be long. Thanks for praying.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
An important appointment
Within the hour we leave for Bellingham, WA for Margie's next appointment with the rheumatologist. It was this doctor that actually brought the most relief to Margie's severe pains. We are grateful for his ability to diagnose proper treatments for her particular problem. Also today is the second day time prayer meeting being held at our home church. I will be directing this and we were encouraged with attendance at the first one last week.
Weather report. We had a heavy rain last week and we thought summer was over, but to our amazement, we have had day after day of beautiful weather. But we know it will come to an end one of these days so we thoroughly enjoy it while it is here.
Weather report. We had a heavy rain last week and we thought summer was over, but to our amazement, we have had day after day of beautiful weather. But we know it will come to an end one of these days so we thoroughly enjoy it while it is here.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
A new record
Yesterday Margie was able to drive herself to the Ladies Missionary meeting at our church. This is the first time in 2010 for her. We are thrilled with the progress. Last week our "new" weed eater gave out and I have been trying to find another. The list of line trimmers is large and to examine each one with its specifications is time consuming. I am praying I will make the right decision in a new purchase. Margie's sleep has not been as positive as it has been in previous days. She is hoping things will level out and her sleep pattern will return to what it was a few weeks ago. Thank you for praying.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
A delightful visit
We spent a sort of quiet time at home yesterday. Then in the afternoon our son and his wife and family came by for a short visit. It was a fun time to see all of them. Our son took advantage of the opportunity to ask me to make him a latte. I was very happy to do this with the machine Margie gave me years ago. They were here in Ferndale on business and had to leave and get back to their home in Stanwood, Washington. We both had a good night last night and I didn't get too wet on my mile walk this morning. This will be a busy day and we'll talk maybe about that tomorrow.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Beautiful American Flag
When I looked out our front window this morning, there was a beautiful American flag waving in the breeze. We had given a small token amount to the Boy Scouts several months ago and we didn't know they would keep putting the flag on our lawn at different patriotic occasions. Today will be a slow one, we are sure. Yesterday was most blessed, being at church and fellowshipping with the folks and listening to a Bible message from the pastor. Margie had a slow start to her night but finally was able to sleep. We are glad. I replaced our old and broken printer and in installing the new one, a glitch appeared so today I must work on that. That is always a challenge and I enjoy it.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
What a privilege!
For many months I dared not leave Margie alone and I go off to church. I stayed with her. Many weeks ago she started feeling strong enough to return. What a privilege it is to be able to fellowship with God's people, worship the Lord and enjoy our time at church. We are truly blessed. We trust this is your conviction today also. Because some stores will be closed Monday, we decided to get some necessary shopping done yesterday. We were pleased Margie was able to do this. And as mentioned yesterday in our blog, we did enjoy a belated anniversary meal at a local restaurant which has a gluten free menu. What a delight. It was delicious and we certainly enjoyed the special time together.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Special lunch
Because of Margie's eye surgery we did not go our for a special lunch on our anniversary. Today, Lord willing, we will try to do this. We have found a restaurant which has a gluten free menu and I downloaded it from the Internet. We are looking forward to this. We will also take advantage of the trip to get some shopping done. If Margie is not strong enough to shop, she stays in the care while I run in and do the buying. It all works out OK. We look forward to being able to attend church services tomorrow. We thank the Lord Margie had another good night.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Great weather
One day recently we had heavy rain. We thought the rainy season was here to stay but the next day it was sunshine again. Today it is sunshiny and will be in the 70's. Yesterday Margie had her physical therapy session which always makes her feel good. Yesterday our church started its first day time prayer meeting. We are happy for the those who came to pray. Today, because of the very good weather, I must get out and mow the lawn. I am pleased I can still do it. We may be blessed this week end with another visit from our son and his family. We look forward to this.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Physical therapy
Since Margie's severe pains started, our insurance has provided her with numerous sessions of physical therapy . But we know that good things have to end some time (except spiritual blessings). She has only a very few left and then that phase of treatment will be over. We are so grateful however for the little machine called TENS. We have been amazed at how many people either know about this or use one personally. Daily Margie uses hers and it does give considerable help to her aching body. We were thrilled also that my brother (Ernie Poulson), missionary in Singapore, was given one by a family doctor friend for his wife. She also has experienced help from this tiny machine that packs a "wallop" to pain. We are grateful for any help. Yesterday at the family physician, Margie had her knees X-rayed to try to determine what treatment to administer for them. Thanks so much for praying. It means a lot to us.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Medical help
Margie sees her doctor today. The doctor monitors Margie's physical condition to know how to regulate her medications, etc. Tomorrow she will have physical therapy. Today is the last day for ONE of the drops we put in Margie's newly operated eye. The other will continue until her testing for new lenses. Margie's nights have been good and we are so thankful for this. Before, she slept poorly, which made her physically worn out and "dragging" much of the time. We thank you who have stood with us in prayer these many months.
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