Friday, April 30, 2010

April is over -almost

On this last day of the week, we are happy to report Margie had a good night. This comes as a real blessing each time we hear it. Yesterday was a busy day as usual. Margie was able to prepare lunch which in itself is such an answer to prayer. I am very happy to do it, but to see her able to function in this way brings much praise to our Lord. While she was prepaing lunch I walked behind our new Honda self propelled lawn mower and got the front and back and two side lawns cut. Yes it is a BIG lawn. I am so thankful that my artificial knees don't complain with all that walking. In fact, how could they, they have no feelings. Thanks for praying for Margie. We go today to get her new lens installed in her glassed for the right eye which had cataract surgery last month.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The week rushes on

It is always amazing as we age how quickly the days pass by. YOU probably haven't noticed that yet, have you? Margie slept pretty well last night. She had a big day yesterday which included a physical therapy session. She always enjoys those and they are so beneficial. We appreciate your standing with us in prayer.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Repeat performance

Last night was about the same as the one before, but Margie finally got to sleep. She had worked on her hair, putting it up after she washed it and that exercise tired her arm greatly. We are thankful, however, that the medication helped her through the rest of the night She wrote out some notes for me to rewrite and put them on cards to send to people. When we switch to high speed Internet connection later on, I will have it set up so she can actually use the computer while she rests in the Lazy Boy recliner. That, she said, would be a great help. She cannot look "down" at the keyboard and screen at her desk, without giving her great discomfort. We are off the physical therapy and those treatments always help her very much. In fact we are looking into getting one of the machines used in therapy for our home use. Thank you so much for praying.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Not the best but Okay!

Last night Margie had some time "awake". I guess this is insomnia. But she didn't complain because with medication, the severe pain in the neck area, was alleviated and she slept until morning. Yesterday Margie wrote out some email notes and hard copy ones for me to send for her. Her hand is still shaky so I finalize them and put them on paper or the computer and send them. She paced herself well yesterday and had a very good day. We are thankful for all signs of improvement. And it is happening and we thank you for praying for her.

Monday, April 26, 2010

New lessons to learn

With a beautiful smile, Margie told me this morning she had a wonderful night. What a blessing to hear those words. She is slowly learning the new lesson on how to pace her activities so she won't get too tired. This is difficult for one who has been very active. But by doing this her nights are much better. So we are thankful for each lesson learned and every night of good rest she has. If you check our web site at you will see Dan DiDonato presenting her with the very innovative gift last week when he visited us. You can also see the Edible fruit bouquet. Click on the "Shepherds" button on the home page to get to it. We appreciate you "following" us on this blog. Thanks for praying.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Lord's day

Thankfully, Margie had a very good night. Each day she shows signs of improvement for which we are so grateful. We look forward to this day as we "attend" church via the TV and radio waves. We miss not being able to go to church but Margie has just not had the strength to do so yet. We pray it will be soon then we can once again enjoy the fellowship of our home church. Thanks so much for your faithfulness through our long ordeal of illness. It means so much to us.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Good news

We are so pleased Margie had a GOOD night. The physical therapy always helps her. It is Saturday and we are just taking it easy. Any pressing house work and yard work has been done already so we can test our Lazy Boy recliners. We look forward to Sunday and the Bible messages on TV and radio we can take advantage of. Thank you all for your faithful support.

Friday, April 23, 2010

A better night

For several nights we have been concerned because Margie has not been sleeping like she did in previous days since her general health was improving. But last night with medication she was able to get a good rest. For this we are so thankful. Sleep is a healer and she needs this. Today we leave shortly for another physical therapy session in Lynden. The weather is great and the Lord has painted the fields and trees with His beautiful colors. Yesterday, the sun came out enough to dry out the grass and I was able to mow the lawn. Just about 2 hours later it was done. After 10 years of not doing this, I am enjoying it. But as those around here know, I like to do everything. Thank you friend for praying. We appreciate it.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Surprise visit

Yesterday was a great day. We received a call from Dan DiDonato advising us he was on the Interstate 5 highway and soon would be at our house. What a delightful surprise to have him in our home for this visit. He brought a beautiful fruit bouquet, very unique and ornate, from Dr. and Mrs. Amstutz, president, and all the staff at Shepherds. We deeply appreciate their kind concern for Margie. His visit was all too short and he was off again, driving to Salem, OR. Today he flies Eastward to attend another conference. This was a highlight for Margie and we will never forget it. Margie slept until early this morning. I think she awakened early because in a few minutes we head for the eye doctor to get her last post operation check up after cataract surgery.
Thank you for praying.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Middle of the week

Margie had a pretty busy day yesterday. I was hoping she didn't do do too much. She was awake until around midnight and then finally went to sleep. She awakened early this morning but feels fine today. I need to mow the lawn today but it's raining. I had hoped to be able to use the mulching capability of the mower so I don't have to worry about grass clippings and taking them to the dump station. We've been pretty scheduled for medical visits this week and tomorrow is another when she sees the eye doctor for her final check up after cataract surgery. Thanks for standing with us these long months in intercession.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Change of weather

Yesterday when Margie went for the physical therapy session in Lynden, Washington, the weather was in the mid 70's. Wow, it was wonderful. Margie always feels so much better after the treatment. It normally gives her a good night also, but last night she had some times awake. This is not the normal sleep pattern she has been experiencing for many days, so we are always concerned when insomnia returns. We appreciate your prayers for her that she will gain strength day by day and her nights will be restful.
As the title of this blog today suggests, there has been a change of weather and it is raining. This is Washington and the price of greenery is "rain".

Monday, April 19, 2010

His blessings are new every morning

Even though Margie did not have the best of nights, she did sleep some and feels pretty good this morning. For some strange reason, I also did not have the best of nights. Our Sunday however was a blessing as we viewed and listened to some good Bible messages via the TV and radio. Our daughter-in-law and granddaughter visited us in the afternoon and that was delightful. We had a nice phone chat with our son later in the evening and we always look forward to that. Today Margie has another physical therapy session in Lynden,WA.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

This is HIS day

Sunday is in a special way HIS day. Today we will watch and hear several messages on TV and radio. Actually we attend church more than when we normally do at First Baptist in Ferndale. With Margie's illness, it has been impossible for her to attend services.
Last night she had a restful sleep. What a blessing. During most of our almost 56 years of marriage she hasn't slept well. To hear her say, she slept, is remarkable. And it is certainly an answer to many prayers, of you our faithful prayer warriors.
Yesterday, Saturday was spent doing "odd" jobs and you will believe it when I tell you I completely cleaned and adjusted the very practical machine Margie gave me years ago, a refurbished Starbucks Barista coffee maker. It took a LONG time to get it done. When I finish this update, I'm going to try it out. Margie prepared our Saturday lunch, and did several other things around the house,being careful, of course, not to go to heavy on the manual work and ruin her night's sleep. Thanks, friends for praying.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Strength for the day

It is great to be able to call upon the Lord for His help in every situation. Margie and I do this daily. Margie had another good night and we are so thankful to hear those words in the morning. I do as much as possible to relieve her load each day. She is getting back into the swing of things though and it is encouraging to see her improvement day by day. Yesterday was a busy day but with HIS strength for us, the jobs got done. The weather was beautiful also and the warmth refreshing. Thank you for praying

Friday, April 16, 2010

The sun is shining. So is the SON.

We are so pleased Margie had another good night. She went to bed feeling somewhat sick but thank the Lord had no trouble during the night. Yesterday was another great day for her as she slowly gets back her strength and drive. She paces herself carefully trying to do as much as she feels she can do without getting too tired. I started the washing process and she finished it all, even folding the clothes. I told her she's taking away my jobs. We are praising the Lord she feels up to it. We are still praying for the day she'll feel strong enough for us to attend church. Thank you for your untiring prayer support during these long months of illness. We appreciate you so much.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A beautiful day in Ferndale

Although beautiful, the sirens were roaring early today with an apparent large fire not too far away. We trust no injuries resulted in this incident.
Margie's night was restful. We are so grateful. She really wants to do more each day and has certainly done so. But she must be careful not to overdo it. She had another physical therapy session yesterday with Lisa, a fine Christian therapist. This treatment always makes her feel much better. We are grateful the insurance pays for it.
Yesterday was a FIRST for me in 10 years. We have always had to hire our lawn mowed because we were away during the season. I purchased a new Honda self propelled, walk behind mower last week and in about an hour and a half, it was finished. I had wondered how I would do because of my two artificial knees, but I suffered no problem.
So that's the Poulson's day in a "nutshell". Thanks for praying. It means so much to us.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Better today

We are so thankful Margie had a restful night. She took it easier yesterday and did so much better last night. We leave shortly for physical therapy. It really helps her. The nervous spasms in her neck increase between treatments. We are so thankful she can have them regularly. Our Shepherds ministry is updated often on our site at Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Computer Crash

We gave a quick update yesterday regarding Sunday. Our computer crashed and I have spent two days getting things back online. Margie had a good day yesterday. We had an appointment with her doctor (rheumatologist) and he was pleased with her progress and at the next visit in May, he'll change (reduce) the medication that seems to be the single thing that has helped Margie feel so much better. While we were in town I had several things I needed to do so Margie stayed in the car while I shopped. It was a beautiful spring day. Only twice did she get out of the car. And that was a FIRST for her since January. BUT having said this, she suffered for this last night and didn't get to sleep until around 2 this morning. I told her to really take it easy to day and call me to help do anything she wants. But yesterday was a good day for her and she rejoiced to feel so good.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Day Late

Sorry about Sunday's post. Our laptop crashed and we were unable to give an update. Thankfully Margie is doing well and prepared yesterday's meal for us. What a blessing to see her able to do more. I am perfectly willing to do these things, but she really wants to get in there and WORK. Praise the Lord. I'll post this and give tomorrow our update on the visit to the doctor in a few hours. Thanks for standing with us.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Update for April 10, 2010

At about 10 AM yesterday Margie became tired and had to slow down the rest of the day. She had been helping me with some home chores and at a certain point had to go sit down and take it easy. And that's what she is supposed to do. We are just thankful for the things she can do. It is encouraging. Thanks so much for praying. My Shepherds work is explained in our web site. We hope you drop by and see it at

Friday, April 9, 2010

Margie's improvement

April 9, 2010

Margie had a full day doing various things around the house. Of course she stops now and then and rests and listens to the radio. She almost over did it fixing lunch but fortunately did not suffer any from it. She rested, sorted through a lot of paper work, and called me from time to time to put drops in her eyes and had a pretty good day. Last night again, she had a wonderful sleep. Praise the Lord for this. Thank you kindly for praying.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Update for April 08, 2010

After doing some Shepherd's work, we ate an early lunch and headed for Lynden, WA for Margie's appointment with her family doctor. I did some shopping while she was with the doctor. Dr. Burden was so happy with Margie's improvement. The last time we were in her office, I was with her because she was so weak. She actually had a panic attack (or something similar) and I had to call the doctor. From that day of being so low, Margie has gradually improved. She saw two other specialist since that time and one medication the rheumatologist prescribed has really helped her. So we are so thankful for your prayer support these many months and ask you to continue.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 07, 2010

Yesterday was a busy day (But what day is not?). Margie had a good day yesterday and last night finally got to sleep after a little upset at the start of her night.
Yesterday instead of having the repair man fix our old lawnmower, we purchased a new one. I certainly need the exercise as I haven't mowed our lawn for over 10 years. We were always gone on Shepherd's ministries and not here to mow during the season. We hired the neighbor to do it.

Yesterday I had to go get new license tabs for our 1996 Olds to get it up to date because this afternoon we go to Lynden Washington to see Margie's doctor. Margie will be able to request more physical therapy sessions which seem to be the best help so far for her condition.
If you are reading this, you already know that we phased out our web site update for Margie's progress. On that site at we will continue our pictures and also news and work related to our Shepherds ministry. Thank you all for your prayers.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 06,2010

It's raining in Ferndale this morning. I had Miguel mow our lawn yesterday. Now today I send off our lawnmower to be repaired, then I will be mowing it from here on. This will be the first time in 10 years. We have been gone all the other years, and we had to hire it done. It will be good exercise for me to get back of that mower and do this work.
Margie continues improvement for which we are grateful.
I am doing Shepherds work also today for several hours.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

What a delightful Sunday we had yesterday. Our son and wife and family visited with us. It was special. In the afternoon, Marilyn Rienstra dropped by and presented Margie with a beautiful bouquet of roses. It was very thoughtful of her and Margie is really enjoying them.
It is so encouraging to see Margie improving day by day. It is a powerful example of answered prayer. So many around the world are praying. We are so grateful for the host of prayer warriors we have.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday evening, April 4

Our son Rawlie and wife Gina and our grand kids visited us this afternoon. What a great time it was. We appreciated the time very much. It's now 7:45. We have had a good day watching and listening to good Gospel messages. Tonight we will watch the Makeover program and see what family benefits by getting a new home.
We trust you all had a wonderful day.

Poulson's Update

This is Resurrection Day Sunday and we are happy to come to you via this blog We will be in
touch as things develop